張鑑祥 (Chien-Hsiang Chang) 教授
發佈日期 :
張鑑祥 (Chien-Hsiang Chang) 教授聯絡方式: 研究室:93620 |
普渡大學化工博士 (美國)
- 國立成功大學 教授 (890801 - )
- 國立成功大學 副教授 (830801 - 890731)
- 109學年 - 下學期, 化工系 甲乙丙 生醫工程概論
- 109學年 - 下學期, 化工所 碩博 界面活性劑原理與應用
- 109學年 - 下學期, 化工系 丙 化工程序實驗
A. 期刊論文
- C.-J. Wu;A.-T. Kuo;C.-H. Lee;Y.-M. Yang;C.-H. Chang*,"Fabrication of Positively Charged Catanionic Vesicles from Ion Pair Amphiphile with Double- Chained Cationic Surfactant",Colloid and Polymer Science;vol : 292, no : , pp : 589- 597(SCI 03 2014)[link]
- J. Lee;C.-H. Chang*,"Interaction between the outer layer of mixed ion pair amphiphile/double-chained cationic surfactant vesicle and DNA: a Langmuir monolayer study",Soft Matter;vol : 10, no : , pp : 1831- 1839(SCI 2014)[link]
- An-Tsung Kuo;Chien-Hsiang Chang*,"Cholesterol-induced condensing and disordering effects on a rigid catanionic bilayer: a molecular dynamics study",Langmuir;vol : 30, no : , pp : 55- 62(SCI 01 2014)[link]
- C.-C. Shiu;S.-A. Wang;C.-H. Chang;J.-S. Jan*,"Poly(L-glutamic acid)-Decorated Hybrid Colloidal Particles from Complex Particle-Templated Silica Mineralization",Journal of Physical Chemistry B;vol : 117, no : , pp : 10007- 10016(SCI 08 2013)[link]
- C.-W. Chiu;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang,"Gelation of Ethosome-Like Catanionic Vesicles by Water-Soluble Polymers: Ethanol and Cholesterol Effects",Soft Matter;vol : 9, no : , pp : 7628- 7636(SCI 2013)[link]
- C.-W. Chiu;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang,"Ethanol Effects on the Gelation Behavior of α-Tocopherol Acetate-Encapsulated Ethosomes with Water Soluble Polymers",Colloid and Polymer Science;vol : 291, no : , pp : 1341- 1352(SCI 06 2013)[link]
- K. Manna;C.-H. Chang;A.K. Panda,"Physicochemical Studies on the Catanionics of Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromide and Bile Salts in Aqueous Media",Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects;vol : 415, no : , pp : 10- 21(SCI 12 2012)[link]
- C.-H. Chang;C.-H. Liang;Y.-Y. Xie;T.-H. Chou,"Molecular Packing and Lateral Interactions of Distearoylphosphatidylcholine with Dihexadecyl- dimethylammonium Bromide in Langmuir Monolayers and Vesicles",The Journal of Physical Chemistry B;vol : 116, no : , pp : 2455- 2463(SCI 03 2012)[link]
- A.-T. Kuo;C.-H. Chang;W. Shinoda,"Molecular Dynamics Study of Catanionic Bilayers Composed of Ion Pair Amphiphile with Double-Tailed Cationic Surfactant",Langmuir;vol : 28, no : , pp : 8156- 8164(SCI 05 2012)[link]
- M. Chakraborty;F.-W. Hsiao;B. Naskar;C.-H. Chang;A. K. Panda,"Surfactant-assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Silver Bromide Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media",Langmuir;vol : 28, no : , pp : 7282- 7290(SCI 05 2012)[link]
- K.-H. Wang;M.-J. Syu;C.-H. Chang;Y.-L. Lee,"Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase by Langmuir-Blodgett Techniques for Fabrication of Glucose Biosensors: Headgroup Effects of Template Monolayers",Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical;vol : 164, no : , pp : 29- 36(SCI 03 2012)[link]
- K.-H. Wang;M.-J. Syu;C.-H. Chang;Y.-L. Lee,"Headgroup Effects of Template monolayers on the Adsorption Behavior and Conformation of Glucose Oxidase Adsorbed at Air/Liquid Interfaces",Langmuir;vol : 27, no : , pp : 7595- 7602(SCI 06 2011)[link]
- S.-W. Tang;C.-H. Chang;H.-H. Wei,"Roles of Solution Conductivity Mismatch in Transient Current and Fluid Transport in Electrolyte Displacement by Electro-Osmotic Flow",Microfluidics and Nanofluidics;vol : 10, no : , pp : 337- 353(SCI 02 2011)[link]
- C.-L. Hsu;K.-H. Wang;C.-H. Chang;W.-P. Hsu;Y.-L. Lee,"Surface Modification of Gold Nanoparticles and Their monolayer Behavior at the Air/Water Interface",Applied Surface Science;vol : 257, no : , pp : 2756- 2763(SCI 01 2011)[link]
- Z.-L. Huang;J.-Y. Hong;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang,"Gelation of Charged Catanionic Vesicles Prepared by a Semispontaneous Process",Langmuir;vol : 26, no : , pp : 2374- 2382(SCI 02 2010)[link]
- S.-W. Tang;C.-H. Chang;H.-H. Wei,"Application of Electroosmotically-Driven Solution Displacement for On-Chip Probing and Characterization of Protein Adsorption",Applied Physics Letters;vol : 97, no : , pp : 043704- (SCI 07 2010)[link]
- H. Nakahara;A. Dudek;Y. Nakamura;S. Lee;C.-H. Chang;O. Shibata*,"Hysteresis Behavior of Amphiphilic Model Peptide in Lung Lipid Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface by an IRRAS Measurement",Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces;vol : 68, no : , pp : 61- 67(SCI 01 2009)[link]
- F.-W. Hsiao;Y.-L. Lee;C.-H. Chang*,"Formation and Characterization of Mixed Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Langmuir Layer Templates for Silver Nanoparticle Growth",Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects;vol : 351, no : , pp : 18- 25(SCI 11 2009)[link]
- C.-C. Lin;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang*,"Gelation of Spontaneously Formed Catanionic Vesicles by Water Soluble Polymers",Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspectes;vol : 346, no : , pp : 66- 74(SCI 08 2009)[link]
- F.-W. Hsiao;Y.-L. Lee;C.-H. Chang*,"On the Characteristics of Mixed Langmuir Monolayer Templates Containing Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine for Gold Nanoparticle Formation",Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces;vol : 73, no : , pp : 110- 115(SCI 10 2009)[link]
- W. Zhang;Z. Du*;C.-H. Chang;G. Wang,"Preparation and Properties of Comb-Like Surfactants Containing Poly(ethylene oxide) Methyl Ether Grafts",Journal of Colloid and Interface Science;vol : 337, no : , pp : 563- 568(SCI 09 2009)[link]
- Y.-M. Yang*;K.-C. Wu;Z.-L. Huang;C.-H. Chang,"On the Stability of Liposomes and Catansomes in Aqueous Alcohol Solutions",Langmuir;vol : 24, no : , pp : 1695- 1700(SCI 03 2008)[link]
- Y.-L. Lee*;A. Dudek;T.-N. Ke;F.-W. Hsiao;C.-H. Chang,"Mixed Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Langmuir Monolayers at the Air/Water Interfaces",Macromolecules;vol : 41, no : , pp : 5845- 5853(SCI 08 2008)[link]
- H. Nakahara;S. Lee;G. Sugihara;C.-H. Chang;O. Shibata*,"Langmuir Monolayer of Artificial Surfactant Mixtures with an Amphiphilic Peptide at the Air/Water Interface: Comparison of New Preparations with Surfacten (Surfactant TA)",Langmuir;vol : 24, no : , pp : 3370- 3379(SCI 04 2008)[link]
- W.-T. Li;Y.-M. Yang;C.-H. Chang*,"Langmuir Monolayer Behavior of an Ion Pair Amphiphile with a Double-Tailed Cationic Surfactant",Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces;vol : 66, no : , pp : 187- 194(SCI 10 2008)[link]
- W.-T. Li;Y.-M. Yang;C.-H. Chang*,"Stability Enhancement Effect of Normal Long-Chain Alcohols on Ion Pair Amphiphile Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface",Journal of Colloid and Interface Science;vol : 327, no : , pp : 426- 432(SCI 11 2008)[link]
- T.-H. Chou;Y.-S. Lin;W.-T. Li;C.-H. Chang*,"Phase Bahavior and Morphology of Equimolar Mixed Cationic-Anionic Surfactant Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface: Isotherm and Brewster Angle Microscopy Analysis",Journal of Colloid and Interface Science;vol : 321, no : , pp : 384- 392(SCI 05 2008)[link]
- T.-F. Yeh*;H.-C. Lin;C.-H. Chang;T.-S. Wu;B.-H. Su;T.-C. Li;S. Pyati;C.-H. Tsai,"Early Intratracheal Instillation of Budesonide Using Surfactant as a Vehicle to Prevent Chronic Lung Dusease in Preterm Infants: A Pilot Study",Pediatrics;vol : 121, no : , pp : e1310- e1318(SCI 05 2008)[link]
- A.-T. Kuo;C.-H. Chang;H.-H. Wei*,"Transient Currents in Electrolyte Displacement by Asymmetric Electro-Osmosis and Determination of Surface Zeta Potentials of Composite Microchannels",Applied Physics Letters;vol : 92, no : , pp : 244102- (SCI 06 2008)[link]
- J.-H. S. Kuo*;C.-H. Chang;Y.-L. Lin;C.-J. Wu,"Flow Cytometric Characterization of Interactions between U-937 Human Macrophages and Positively Charged Catanionic Vesicles",Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces;vol : 64, no : , pp : 307- 313(SCI 07 2008)[link]
B. 研討會論文
- Dorcas;Pao-Chin Li;Chia-Lin Yin;C.-H. Chang*,"Dynamic Monolayer Behavior of Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine with Plasma Proteins at Air/Liquid Interfaces",The Asian International Symposium in the 88th Spring Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan;( 03 2008)[link]
- F.-W. Hsiao;Y.-La. Lee;C.-H. Chang*,"Control of Nanoparticle Structure Formation by Using Mixed Langmuir Monolayer Templates",2008 International Symposium on Nano Science and technology;( 11 2008)[link]
- C.-L. Yin;A. Dudek;Y.-M. Yang;C.-H. Chang*,"Mixed Monolayer Behavior of Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidylcholine with Plasma Proteins at Air/Liquid Interfaces",International Conference on Soft Systems (ICSS-2008);( 02 2008)[link]
- Y.-C. Pan;C.-H. Liang;G.-H. Wang;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang;T.-H. Chou*,"Physicochemical Characteristics of Mixed HSPC/EPC Liposomes Incorporating with Cholesterol-PEG",2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference and 55th TwIChE Annual Conference;( 11 2008)[link]
- C.-J. Wu;C.-T. Lu;C.-H. Chang*,"Preparations and Characterizations of Positively Charged Catanionic Vesicles",2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference and 55th TwIChE Annual Conference;( 11 2008)[link]
- H.-P. Chen;C.-H. Liang;G.-H. Wang;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang;T.-H. Chou*,"Physicochemical Properties of Mixed HSPC/Cholesterol/DHDAB Systems in the Vesicle and in the Monolayer",2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference and 55th TwIChE Annual Conference;( 11 2008)[link]
- C.-P. Lee;C.-H. Liang;G.-H. Wang;C.-H. Chang;Y.-M. Yang;T.-H. Chou*,"Preparation and Physical Properties of Mixed HSPC/DODAB Cationic Vesicles and Behavior of Mixed HSPC/DODAB Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface",2008 Taiwan/Korea/Japan ChE Conference and 55th TwIChE Annual Conference;( 11 2008)[link]
- 殷嘉琳
- 李威達
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- 陳學陵
- 黃柏淞
- 潘諾娜
- 韓冠廷
- 陳彥伯
- 李蓉 , Characterization of the Ion Pair Amphiphile/Double-Chained Cationic Surfactant Langmuir Monolayers with DNA (2011) 獲得 2011台灣化學工程學會第54週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會,博士班研究生英文專題報告競賽佳作
- 杜承霖 , 膽固醇對陰陽離子液胞物理穩定性之促進效應的探討 (2011) 獲得 台灣化學工程學會第54週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會,壁報論文競賽生化及生醫工程組優等獎
- 李蓉 , Interaction of the Ion Pair Amphiphile/Double-Chained Cationic Surfactant Langmuir Monolayer with DNA (2009) 獲得 傑出論文獎