張嘉修 (Jo-Shu Chang) 講座教授
張嘉修 (Jo-Shu Chang) 講座教授聯絡方式: 研究室:93816 |
- 美國加州大學爾灣分校化工暨生化工程系博士(1993年)
- 美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校化工系碩士(1987年)
- 台灣東海大學化工系學士(1983年)
- 國立成功大學化工系 講座教授 (Since January, 2016)
- 國立成功大學能源科技與策略研究中心 副主任 (Since January, 2016)
- 國立成功大學生物科技中心 副主任 (May, 2009 to January, 2015)
- 國立成功大學化工系 特聘教授 (Since August, 2006)
- 國立成功大學能源科技與策略中心 生質能源組召集人暨中心委員 (Since August, 2008)
- 國立中興大學生科中心合聘教授
- 日本神戶大學客座教授
- 日本神戶大學 "Leading Program in Doctoral Education" 委員 (Since 2015)
- 成功大學化工系教授 (Since August, 2001)
- 逢甲大學化工系 教授 (1998 to 2001)
- 逢甲大學化工系 副教授 (1993 to 1998)
- 行政院經濟部中央標準局生質酒精標準制訂委員 (Since July 2006)
- 行政院經濟部中央標準局『化學工業』國家標準制訂委員會委員 (Since July 2011)
- 亞太經濟合作組織生物氫能研究網絡指導委員會委員 (Since February 2010)
- 國際氫能組織台灣分會諮議委員 (Since February 2010)
- 亞洲生物技術聯盟(Asian Federation of Biotechnology)執行委員會委員 (Since October 2010)
- Board member, Bioenergy and Biorefinery Division of Asian Federation of Biotechnology (2013-)
- 中華生質能學會理事 (Since January, 2016)
- 中華生化工程學會常務監事 (Since June, 2013)
- 台灣綠能發展學會理事 (Since July, 2011)
- 台灣中鋼公司顧問 (2002-2003)
- 工業技術研究院顧問 (2006-2007)
- 逢甲大學綠能開發中心諮議委員 (Since April 2003)
- 獲獎與榮譽
- 104年度科技部傑出研究獎(2016年)
- 國立成功大學講座教授(2016年)
- 第十三屆有庠科技講座(2015年)
- 李國鼎榮譽學者(2015)
- 美國醫學暨生物工程學會會士(AIMBE研究員)(2015年)
- 104年度農曆職業:工程師學會傑出工程教授獎(2015年)
- 侯金堆傑出榮譽獎(2014年)
- 科技部傑出研究獎三次(2008年,2012年,2015年)
- 104年度科技部創新創業激勵計畫(FITI)「創業潛力獎」(2015年)
- 國際發明競賽獲獎:2014年年第8波蘭屆國際總部辦公樓展暨總部辦公樓競賽金牌獎; 2014年年烏克蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽金牌獎; 2014年
- 17屆俄羅斯國際發明展(阿基米德)金牌獎; 2013捷克國際發明展銅牌獎(INVENTO布拉格2013獎)
- 國際學術獎項:2014年年年工業生物過程的國際論壇(IFIBiop的年傑出科學家獎;http://www.ifibiop.org/)(2014.9)
- 中國「水產前研」雜誌評選為2013年度「十大前研技術」(獲獎題目:『以單細胞綠藻取代魚粉』) (2013.12)
- 日月光集團獎勵學術表現優良教師獎(2012)
- 擔任科技部工程司化工學門複審委員(2011-2014)
- 擔任科技部自然司永續學門複審委員(2013年起)
- 台灣化工學會頒發之學術獎項:化工傑作獎(2008年,2014年); 傑出論文獎(2010); 石延平教授獎(2008); 賴再得教授獎(2007年)
- 成功大學特聘教授(2006年自年8月)
- 成功大學工學院研究傑出教授獎(2006年)
- 102學年-上學期,化工所碩博酵素及醱酵工程
- 102學年-上學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(一)
- 101學年-下學期,化工所碩博能源與環境生物技術
- 101學年-下學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(二)
- 101學年-上學期,化工所碩博酵素及醱酵工程
- 101學年-上學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(一)
- 100學年-下學期,化工所碩博能源與環境生物技術
- 100學年-下學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(二)
- 100學年-下學期,化工系乙質能均衡
- 100學年-上學期,化工所碩博酵素及醱酵工程
- 100學年-上學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(一)
- 99學年-下學期,化工所碩博能源與環境生物技術
- 99學年-下學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(二)
- 99學年-下學期,化工系乙質能均衡
- 99學年-上學期,化工所碩博酵素及醱酵工程
- 99學年-上學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(一)
- 98學年-下學期,化工所碩博能源與環境生物技術
- 98學年-下學期,化工系甲乙丙論文(二)
- 98學年-下學期,化工系乙質能均衡
- 發表超過500篇SCI登錄學術期刊論文 (包括12 篇高度被引用論文(ISI Hi-Ci paper))
- Total citation (Google Scholar): 39438 times
- h-index (Google Scholar) = 102
- i10-index (Google Scholar) = 456
- 發明約40項專利
- 著作一部專書與6個book chapter
Publication list (*corresponding author)
Refereed Journal papers
Jo-Shu Chang* and Clemens Posten (2016) Editorial: Recent Progress in Algal Biotechnology. Biotechnol Journal 11(3):301-302.
Chung Hong Tan, Chun-Yen Chen, Pau Loke Show, Tau Chuan Ling, Hon Loong Lam, Duu-Jong Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2016) Strategies for enhancing lipid production from indigenous microalgae isolates. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (accepted Feb. 25, 2016). [SCI; IF= 3.000]
Yun-Tsun Lung, Chung Hong Tan, Pau Loke Show*, Tau Chuan Ling, John Chi-Wei Lan, Hon Loong Lam, Jo-Shu Chang (2016) Docosahexaenoic Acid Production from Crude Glycerol by Schizochytrium limacinum SR21. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (accepted on Feb 19, 2016). [SCI; IF= 1.934]
Heshan Zheng, Wanqian Guo, Shuo Li, Qinglian Wu, Renli Yin, Xiaochi Feng, Juanshan Du, Nanqi Ren and Jo-Shu Chang (2016) Biosorption of cadmium by lipid extraction residues of lipid-rich microalgae. RSC Advances (accepted on Feb 03, 2016). [SCI; IF=3.840]
Chun-Yen Chen, Ai-Ling Kao, Zheng-Chia Tsai, Te-Jin Chow,Hsin-Yueh Chang, Xin-Qing Zhao, Po-Ting Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2016) Developing genetically engineered Scenedesmus obliquus for enhanced microalgal oil production in outdoor photobioreactors. Biotechnology Journal (accepted). [SCI; IF=3.49]
Dang-Thuan Tran, Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang* (2016) Continuous biodiesel conversion via enzymatic transesterification catalyzed by immobilized Burkholderia lipase in a packed-bed bioreactors. Applied Energy (in press) [SCI; IF=5.014]
Xia Zhang, I-Son Ng*, Jo-Shu Chang (2016) Cloning and characterization of a robust recombinant azoreductase from Shewanella xiamenensis BC01. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (accepted). [SCI; IF= 3.000]
Youping Xie; Shih-Hsin Ho; Ching-Nen Nathan Chen; Chun-Yen Chen; Keju Jing; I-Son Ng; Jianfeng Chen; Jo-Shu Chang* (2016) Disruption of thermo-tolerant Desmodesmus sp. F51 in high pressure homogenization as a prelude to carotenoids extraction. Biochemical Engineering Journal (accepted) [SCI; IF=2.467]
JJ Juang*, Jo-Shu Chang (2016) Applications of microfluidics in microalgae biotechnology: A mini review" as a "Mini-Review. Biotechnology Journal (accepted). [SCI; IF=3.49]
Wan-Qian Guo,·Ren-Li Yin,·Xian-Jiao Zhou,·Hai-Ou Cao,·Jo-Shu Chang, Nan-Qi Ren (2016) Ultrasonic-assisted ozone oxidation process for sulfamethoxazole removal: Impact factors and degradation process. Desalination and Water Treatment (in press; DOI: 10.1080/19443994. 2015.1115373) [SCI; IF=1.170].
Wan-Qian Guo, He-Shan Zheng, Shan-Shan Yang, Xiao-Chi Feng, Jo-Shu Chang, Ren-Li Yin, Xiang-Jing Wang, Nan-Qi Ren (2016-Jan.) Promotion effects of ultrasound on sludge biodegradation by thermophilic bacteria Geobacillus stearothermophilus TP-12. Biochemical Engineering Journal 105: 281–287 [SCI; IF=2.467].
Yue Wang, Wanqian Guo, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Shih-Hsin Ho, Jo-Shu Chang*, Nanqi Ren (2016-Jan.) Enhancing bio-butanol production from biomass of Chlorella vulgaris JSC-6 with sequential alkali pretreatment and acid hydrolysis. Bioresource Technology 200:557–564. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Chun-Yen Chen, Ching-Yu Chang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2016) Biohydrogen production using carbohydrates-rich microalgal biomass cultivated under mixotrophic conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (accepted on May 26, 2015) [SCI; IF= 3.313]
De-Shun Lin, Hong-Wei Yen, Wei-Chen Kao, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Wen-Ming Chen, Chieh-Chen Huang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-Oct.) Butanol production by Clostridium pasteurianum CH4 and in-situ recovery via membrane distillation. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8: 168 (doi:10.1186/s13068-015-0352-6) [SCI; IF= 6.044]
Niels M Moed, Duu-Jong Lee*, and Jo-Shu Chang (2015-November) Struvite as alternative nutrient source for cultivation of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 56: 73-76. [SCI; IF= 3.000]
Chun-Yen Chen, Jesisca, Chien-Yan Hsieh, Duu-Jong Lee, Chien-Hsiang Chang and Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-Oct.) Production, extraction and stabilization of lutein from microalga Chlorella sorokiniana MB-1. Bioresource Technology 200:500-505. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Yue Wang, Wanqian Guo, Hong-Wei Yen, Shih-Hsin Ho, Yung-Chung Lo, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Nanqi Ren, Jo-Shu Chang* (2015) Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris JSC-6 with swine wastewater for simultaneous nutrient/COD removal and carbohydrate production. Bioresource Technology 198: 619-625. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Yue Wang, Wanqian Guo, Bor-Yann Chen, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Yung-Chung Lo, Shih-Hsin Ho, Jo-Shu Chang*, Nanqi Ren (2015) Exploring the inhibitory characteristics of acid hydrolysates upon butanol fermentation: a toxicological assessment. Bioresource Technology 198: 571-576. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Chung Hong Tan, Pau Loke Show, Jo-Shu Chang, Tau Chuan Ling, and John Chi-Wei Lan* (2015-Nov.) Novel Approaches of Producing Bio-energies from Microalgae: A Recent Review. Biotechnology Advances 33(6):1219–1227 [SCI; IF=9.015]
Chiu-Mei Kuo, Tsai-Yu Chen, Tsung-Hsien Lin, Chien-Ya Kao, Jinn-Tsyy Lai, Jo-Shu Chang, Chih-Sheng Lin (2015-Oct.) Cultivations of Chlorella sp. GD using piggery wastewater for microalgal biomass and lipid production. Bioresource Technology 194:326-33. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Ching-Lung Chen, Chien-Chang Huang, Kao-Chia Ho, Ping-Xuan Hsiao, Meng-Shan Wu, Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-Oct.) Biodiesel production from wet microalgae feedstock using sequential wet extraction and transesterification processes. Bioresource Technology 194: 179–186 [SCI; IF=4.494]
Ming-Der Bai, Chun-Yen Chen, Wen-Chang Lu, and Hou-Peng Wan, Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-Sep.) Enhancing oil extraction efficiency of Chlorella vulgaris with cell-disruptive pretreatment using active extracellular substances from Bacillus thuringiensis ITRI-G1. Biochemical Engineering Journal 101:185-190 [SCI; IF=2.467].
Duu-Jong Lee*, Jo-Shu Chang, Juin-Yih Lai (2015-Sep.) Microalgae-microbial fuel cell: A mini review. Bioresource Technology 198: 891-5. [SCI; IF= 4.494 ]
Chun-Yen Chen, Yu-Chun Chen, Hsiao-Chen Huang, Shih-Hsin Hoand Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-Sep.) Enhancing the production of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from Nannochloropsis oceanica CY2 using innovative photobioreactors with optimal light source arrangements. Bioresource Technology 191: 407-413. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Wei-Hsin Chen*, Ming-Yueh Huang, Jo-Shu Chang, Chun-Yen Chen, Wen-Jhy Lee (2015-June) An energy analysis of torrefaction for upgrading microalga residue as a solid fuel. Bioresource Technology 185:285-293. [SCI; IF=4.494]
Jatta Maria Marjakangas, Chun-Yen Chen, Aino-Maija Lakaniemi, PJaakko A Puhakka, Liang-Ming Whang, Jo-Shu Chang (2015-Sep.) Selecting an indigenous microalgal strain for lipid production in anaerobically treated piggery wastewater. Bioresource Technology 191: 369-376. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Jatta M. Marjakangas*, Aino-Maija Lakaniemi, Perttu E.P. Koskinen, Chang, J.-S., Jaakko A. Puhakka (2015-July) Lipid Production by Eukaryotic Microorganisms Isolated from Palm Oil Mill Effluent. Biochemical Engineering Journal 99:48-54 [SCI; IF=2.467].
Jatta Marjakangas*, Chun-Yen Chen, Aino-Maija Lakaniemi, Jaakko A Puhakka, Liang-Ming Whang, Jo-Shu Chang (2015-July) Simultaneous nutrient removal and lipid production with Chlorella vulgaris on sterilized and non-sterilized anaerobically pretreated piggery wastewater. Biochemical Engineering Journal 103:177-184 [SCI; IF=2.467]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Akihito Nakanishi, Xiaoting Ye, Jo-Shu Chang, Tomohisa Hasunuma*, Akihiko Kondo(2015-March) Dynamic metabolic profiling of the marine microalga Chlamydomonas sp. JSC4 and enhancing its oil production by optimizing light intensity. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8:48 (doi:10.1186/s13068-015-0226-y) [SCI; IF= 6.044 ]
Wei-Hsin Chen*, Ming-Yueh Huang, Jo-Shu Chang, Chun-Yen Chen (2015-Sep.) Torrefaction operation and optimization of microalga residue for energy densification and utilization. Applied Energy 154:622-630 [SCI; IF= 5.613]
Hong-Wei Yen*, Jung-Tzu Chang and Jo-Shu Chang (2015-Sep.) The growth of oleaginous Rhodotorula glutinis in an internal-loop airlift bioreactor by using mixture substrates of rice straw hydrolysate and crude glycerol. Biomass and Bioenergy 80:38-43 [SCI; IF= 3.394]
Shimpei Aikawa, Shih-Hsin Ho, Akihito Nakanishi, Jo-Shu Chang, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Akihiko Kondo. (2015-June) Improving polyglucan production in cyanobacteria and microalgae via cultivation design and metabolic engineering. Biotechnology Journal 10(6):886-898. [SCI; IF=3.49 ]
Chien-Chang Huang, Chieh-Ju Yang, Pei-Jyuan Gao, Nai-Ci Wang, Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang (2015-June) Characterization of an alkaline earth metal-doped solid superacid and its activity for the esterification of oleic acid with methanol. Green Chemistry 17:3609-3620 [SCI; IF= 8.02]
Duu-Jong Lee, Chin-Yu Lee, Jo-Shu Chang, Qiang Liao, Ay Su (2015) Treatment of sulfate/sulfide-containing wastewaters using microbial fuel cell: Single and two-anode systems. International Journal of Green Energy 12(10):998-1004 [SCI; IF= 1.215 ]
Xu Zhao, Xun Zhu, Rong Chen, Qiang Liao, Yong-Zhong Wang, Jo-Shu Chang (2015) Numerical Simulation of Light/Dark Cycle Frequency of Microalgae Fluid in a Helical Tubular Photobioreactor for Carbon Dioxide Capture. International Journal of Green Energy 12(10): 1037-1045 [SCI; IF= 1.215]
Chun-Yen Chen, Po-Jen Lee, Chung Hong Tan, Yung-Chung Lo, Chieh-Chen Huang, Pau Loke Show, Chih-Hung Lin, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-June) Improving protein production of indigenous microalga Chlorella vulgaris FSP-E by photobioreactor design and cultivation strategies. Biotechnology Journal 10(6):905-914. [SCI; IF=3.49]
Hong-Wei Yen, Shih-Hsin Ho, Chun-Yen Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-June) Simultaneous removal of CO2, SOx and NOx from flue gas via microalgae cultivation. Biotechnology Journal 10(6):829-839. [SCI; IF=3.49]
Hong-Wei Yen, Yi Xian Liu, and Jo-Shu Chang (2015-April) The effects of feeding criteria on the growth of oleaginous yeast-Rhodotorula glutinis in a pilot-scale airlift bioreactor. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 49:67-71. [SCI; IF=3.000]
Jian-Hao Lin, Duu-Jong Lee*, Jo-Shu Chang (2015-April) Lutein in specific marigold flowers and microalgae. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 49:90-94. [SCI; IF= 3.000]
Md. Asraful Alam, Chun Wan, Xin-Qing Zhao*, Jo-Shu Chang, Feng-Wu Bai (2015-May) Efficient removal of zinc and cadmium by spontaneously flocculating microalga Chlorella vulgaris JSC-7. Journal of Hazardous Materials 289: 38-45. [SCI; IF= 4.529]
Theoneste Ndikubwimana, Xianhai Zeng, Zongyuan Xiao, Youping Xie, Ning He, Ching-Nen Nathan Chen, Jo-Shu Chang, Lu Lin, Yinghua Lu (2015-Sep.) Microalgae biomass harvesting by bioflocculation-interpretation by classical DLVO theory. Biochemical Engineering Journal 101: 160-167 [SCI; IF=2.467]
Min S Park, Jo-Shu Chang, Ji-Won Yang (2015-Sep.) Asia Oceania Algae Innovation Summit, AOAIS-2014. Bioresource Technology 191:361 [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Hui-Min David Wang, Ching-chun Chen, Pauline Huynh, Jo-Shu Chang* (2015) Exploring the potential of using algae in cosmetics. Bioresource Technology 184: 355-362. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Chun Wan, Md. Asraful Alam, Xin-Qing Zhao*, Xiao-Yue Zhang, Suo-Lian Guo, Shih-Hsin Ho, Jo-Shu Chang, Feng-Wu Bai (2015) Current progress and future prospect of microalgal biomass harvest using various flocculation technologies. Bioresource Technology 184: 251-257. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
John Kennedy Mwangi, Wen-Jhy Lee*, Liang-Ming Whang, Tser Son Wu, Wei-Hsin Chen, Jo-Shu Chang, Chun-Yen Chen, Ching-Lung Chen (2015-February) Microalgae Oil: Algae Cultivation and Harvest, Algae Residue Torrefaction and Diesel Engine Emission Test. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 15:81-98 [SCI; IF=2.094 ]
Wei-Hsin Chen*, Ming-Yueh Huang, Bo-Jhih Lin, Jo-Shu Chang (2015-May) Thermochemical conversion of microalgal biomass into biofuels: A review. Bioresource Technology 184: 314-327. [SCI; IF=4.494]
Wai Yan Cheah, Pau Loke Show, Jo-Shu Chang, Tau Chuan Ling, Joon Ching Juan* (2015-May) A solution to global warming: bioconversion of carbon dioxide by microalgae. Bioresource Technology 184:190-201. [SCI; IF=4.494]
Hai-Hsuan Cheng, LM Whang*, Kun-Chi Chan, Man-Chien Chung, Shu-Hsien Wu, Cheng-Pin Liu, Shih-Yuan Tien, Shan-Yuan Chen, Jo-Shu Chang, and Wen-Jhy Lee (2015-May). Biological Butanol Production from microalgae-based biodiesel residues by Clostridium acetobutylicum. Bioresource Technology 184:379-385. [SCI; IF=4.494]
Kuan-Yeow Show, Duu-Jong Lee*, Joo-Hwa Tay, Tse-Min Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang (2015-May) Microalgal Drying and Cell Disruption - Recent Advances. Bioresource Technology 184: 258-266. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Youping Xie, Ming-Chang Chan, Chen-Chun Liu, Chun-Yen Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Chieh-Chen Huang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-May) Effects of nitrogen source availability and bioreactor operating strategies on lutein production with Scenedesmus obliquus FSP-3. Bioresource Technology 184:131-138. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Te-Jin Chow, Hsiang-Yen Su, Tsung-Yu Tsai, Hsiang-Hui Chou, Tse-Min Lee, Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-May) Using recombinant cyanobacterium (Synechococcus elongates) with increased carbohydrate productivity as feedstock for bioethanol production via separate hydrolysis and fermentation process. Bioresource Technology 184:33-41. [SCI; IF=4.494]
Hong-Wei Yen, Sheng-Chung Yang, Chi-Hui Chen, Jesisca, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2015-May) Supercritical fluid extraction of valuable compounds from microalgal biomass. Bioresource Technology 184: 291-296. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Jo-Shu Chang*, Ji-Won Yang, Duu-Jong Lee, Patrick C. Hallenbeck (2015-May) Editorial for Special Issue on Advances in biofuels and chemicals from algae. Bioresource Technology 184:1 [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Jian-Hao Lin, Duu-Jong Lee*, Jo-Shu Chang (2015-May) Lutein production from biomass: marigold flowers versus microalgae. Bioresource Technology 184: 421-428. [SCI; IF= 4.494]
Yin-Ru Chang, Duu-Jong Lee*, Jo-Shu Chang and Arun S. Mujumdar (2015) Enhancement of Lutein Yield from Coagulated Chlorella sp. ESP-6 with Sodium Hypochlorite. Drying Technology 33(4): 429-433 [SCI; IF= 1.518]
Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang* and Duu-Jong Lee (2015) Dewatering and drying methods for microalgae. Drying Technology 33(4): 443-454 [SCI; IF= 1.518]
Chung Hong Tan, Wai Yan Cheah, Tau Chuan Ling, Pau Loke Show*, Joon Ching Juan, Jo-Shu Chang (2015) Algae cultivation in wastewater for biodiesel – a review, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 1393-1398. [EI]
He-Shan Zheng, Wan-Qian Guo, Shan-Shan Yang, Xiao-Chi Feng, Juan-Shan Du, Xian-Jiao Zhou, Jo-Shu Chang, Nan-Qi Ren (2014-Nov.) Thermophilic hydrogen production from sludge pretreated by thermophilic bacteria: Analysis of the advantages of microbial community and metabolism. Bioresource Technology 172: 433-437. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Xiaoting Ye, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Jo-Shu Chang*, and Akihiko Kondo (2014-Dec.) Perspectives on Engineering Strategies for Improving Biofuel Production from Microalgae – A critical review. Biotechnology Advances 32(8):1448-1459 [SCI; IF=8.905]
Bode Haryanto, Jo-Shu Chang, and Chien-Hsiang Chang* (2014 September). Application of Biosurfactant Surfactin on Copper Ion Removal from Sand Surfaces with Continuous Flushing Technique. Tenside Surfactants Detergents 51(5): 407-414 [SCI; IF=0.559]
Yue Wang, Wan-Qian Guo, Yung-Chung Lo, Jo-Shu Chang* and Nan-Qi Ren (2014) Characterization and kinetics of bio-butanol production with Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC824 using mixed sugar medium simulating microalgae-based carbohydrates. Biochemical Engineering Journal 91:220–230 [SCI; IF=2.368]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Akihito Nakanishi, Xiaoting Ye, Jo-Shu Chang, Kiyotaka Hara, Tomohisa Hasunuma*, Akihiko Kondo (2014-June) Optimizing biodiesel production in marine Chlamydomonas sp. JSC4 through metabolic profiling and an innovative salinity-gradient strategy. Biotechnology for Biofuels 7:97 [SCI; IF= 6.221 ,Total citation=0]
Shimpei Aikawa, Atsumi Nishida, Shih-Hsin Ho, Jo-Shu Chang, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Akihiko Kondo* (2014) Glycogen production for biofuels by the euryhaline cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 from oceanic area. Biotechnology for Biofuels 7:88 [SCI; IF= 6.221]
Md. Asraful Alam, Xin-Qing Zhao*, Suo-Lian Guo, Chun Wan, Zih-You Huang, Yu-Liang Yang, Feng-Wu Bai, Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-July) Characterization of the flocculating agent from the spontaneously flocculating microalga Chlorella vulgaris JSC-7. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 118(1): 29-33. [SCI; IF=1.790]
Wei-Hsin Chen*, Ming-Yueh Huang, Jo-Shu Chang, Chun-Yen Chen (2014-October) Thermal decomposition dynamics and severity of microalgae residues in torrefaction. Bioresource Technology 169:258-264 [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Chien-Ya Kao, Yu-Bin Chang, Tsai-Yu Chen, Hsiun-Yu Lin, Chun-Da Chen, Jo-Shu Chang, Chih-Sheng Lin* (2014-August) Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Industrial Flue Gases for the Cultivation of Microalga Chlorella sp. Bioresource Technology 166:485-493 [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Dang-Thuan Tran, Yi-Jan Lin, Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang* (2014) Modeling methanolysis of triglyceride catalyzed by immobilized lipase in a continuous-flow packed-bed reactor. Applied Energy 126: 151-160 [SCI; IF= 5.261]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Yen-Ying Lai, Wei-Bin Lu, Ching-Nen Nathan Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-July) Exploring the high lipid production potential of a thermotolerant microalga using statistical optimization and semi-continuous cultivation. Bioresource Technology 163: 128-135 [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Hong-Wei Yen*, Fang-Tzu Li and Jo-Shu Chang (2014) The influences of pH control strategies on the distribution of 1,3-propanediols and 2,3-butanediols production by an isolated indigenous Klebsiella sp. Ana-WS5. Bioresource Technology 159: 292–296. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Yung-Chung Lo, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Ying-Lung Han, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-May) Recovery of high-value metals from geothermal sites by biosorption and bioaccumulation. Bioresource Technology 160: 182–190. [SCI; IF= 5.039 ,Total citation=1]
Bor-Yann Chen, Chun-Yen Chen, Wan-Qian Guo, Hao-Wei Chang, Wen-Ming Chen, Duu-Jong Lee, Chieh-Chen Huang, Nan-Qi Ren, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-May) Fixed-bed biosorption of cadmium using immobilized Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N cells on loofa sponge. Bioresource Technology 160: 175-181. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Dang-Thuan Tran and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-March) Kinetics of enzymatic transesterification and thermal deactivation using immobilized Burkholderia lipase as catalyst. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 37(3): 481-491 [SCI; IF=1.823]
Hong-Wei Yen*, Fang-Tzu Li, Chiao-Ling Wong, and Jo-Shu Chang (2014-March) The pH effects on the distribution of 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol produced simultaneously by using an isolated indigenous Klebsiella sp. Ana-WS5. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 37(3):425-431 [SCI; IF=1.823]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Jo-Shu Chang*, Yen-Ying Lai, and Ching-Nen Nathan Chen (2014-March) Achieving high lipid productivity of a thermotolerant microalga Desmodesmus sp. F2 by optimizing environmental factors and nutrient conditions. Bioresource Technology 56:108-116. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
You-Ping Xie, Shih-Hsin Ho, Chun-Yen Chen3, Ching-Nen Nathan Chen, Chen-Chun Liu, I-Son Ng, Ke-Ju Jing, Sheng-Chung Yang, Chi-Hui Chen, Jo-Shu Chang*, Ying-Hua Lu (2014-May) Simultaneous enhancement of CO2 fixation and lutein production with thermo-tolerant Desmodesmus sp. F51 using a repeated fed-batch cultivation strategy. Biochemical Engineering Journal 86: 33–40 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Wei-Hsin Chen, Zih-Ying Wu, Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-March) Isothermal and non-isothermal torrefaction characteristics and kinetics of microalga Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N. Bioresource Technology 155, 245–251. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Hong-Wei Yen*, Fang-Tzu Li and Jo-Shu Chang (2014) The effects of dissolved oxygen level on the distribution of 1,3-propanediol and 2,3-butanediol produced from glycerol by an isolated indigenous Klebsiella sp. Ana-WS5. Bioresource Technology 153:374-378. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Chiao-Ling Wong, Hong-Wei Yen, Chung-Liang Lin, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-Jan) Effects of pH and fermentation strategies on 2,3-butanediol production with an isolated Klebsiella sp. Zmd30 strain. Bioresource Technology 152: 169–176. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Akihito Nakanishi, Shimpei Aikawa, Shih-Hsin Ho, Jo-Shu Chang, Akihiko Kondo and Tomohisa Hasunuma* (2014-Jan) Development of lipid productivities under different CO2 conditions of marine microalgae Chlamydomonas sp. JSC4. Bioresource Technology 152:247-252. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Ming-Chang Chan, Chun-Yen Chen, Chen-Chun Liu and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014-Jan) Enhancing Lutein Productivity of an Indigenous Microalga Scenedesmus obliquus FSP-3 Using Light-Related Strategies. Bioresource Technology 152:275-282. [SCI; IF= 5.039 ,Total citation=0]
Yue Wang, Wan-Qian Guo, Yung-Chung Lo, Jo-Shu Chang*, Nan-Qi Ren (2014) Butanol production using carbohydrate-enriched Chlorella vulgaris as Feedstock. Advanced Materials Research 830: 122-125. (EI)
Tsung-Yu Tsai, Yung-Chung Lo, Jo-Shu Chang* (2014) Effect of medium composition and pH control strategies on butanol fermentation with Clostridium acetobutylicum. Energy Procedia 61:1691–1694 [EI]. (doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.12.193)
Kao-Chia Ho, Ching-Lung Chen, Ping-Xuan Hsiao, Meng-Shan Wu, Chien-Chang Huang, Jo-Shu Chang* (2014) Biodiesel production from waste cooking oil by two-step catalytic conversion. Energy Procedia 61:1302–1305 [EI]. (doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.1086)
Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang*, Chien-Chang Huang, Kao-Chia Ho, Ping-Xuan Hsiao, Meng-Shan Wu (2014) A novel biodiesel production method consisting of oil extraction and transesterification from wet microalgae. Energy Procedia 61:1294–1297 [EI]. (doi:10.1016 /j.egypro.2014.11.1084)
Chun-Yen Chen*, Kuei-Ling Yeh, Hsin-Yueh Chang and Jo-Shu Chang (2014) Optimization of outdoor cultivation of microalgae in vertical tubular-type photobioreactor for improving oil/lipid production. Energy Procedia 61:2755–2758 [EI]. (doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.12.298)
Chun-Yen Chen, Ching-Yu Chang, Yung-Chung Lo, Shih-Hsin Ho, and Jo-Shu Chang (2014) Enhancing Biohydrogen Production from Chlorella vulgaris FSP-E Under Mixotrophic Cultivation Conditions. Energy Procedia 61: 870–873 [EI]. (doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014. 11.984)
Chun-Yen Chen, Ming-Der Bai, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Dec)Improving Microalgal Oil Collecting Efficiency by pretreating the microalgal cell wall with destructive bacteria. Biochemical Engineering Journal 81: 170–176 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Tsung-Hua Lee, Jo-Shu Chang, and Hsiang-Yu Wang* (2013-Nov)) Current development of high-throughput analysis for microalgae cellular contents. Biotechnology Journal 8(11): 1301–1314. [SCI; IF=3.708]
Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang, Wanqian Guo, Xu Zhou, Duu-Jong Lee*, Nanqi Ren, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-Nov.) Simultaneous removal of sulfide, nitrate and acetate under denitrifying sulfide removal condition: Modeling and experimental validation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 264:16-24. [SCI; IF=4.331]
Huang, Chien-Chang*; Wu, Meng-Shan; Chen, Ching-Lung; Li, Ya-Bei; Ho, Kao-Chia; Jo-Shu Chang (2013-Dec.) Preparation of Silica Particles Doped with Uniformly Dispersed Copper Oxide Nano-clusters. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 381: 1-11. [SCI; IF= 1.716]
Liu, Lihong; Tsyganova, Olga; Lee, Duu-Jong; Chang, Jo-Shu; Wang, Aijie; Ren, Nanqi (2013-Nov) Double-chamber microbial fuel cells started up under room and low temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy38: 15574-15579. [SCI; IF = 2.930]
Chien-Hung Liu, Chin-Yen Chang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Ching-Fu Liao, Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Nov.) Biohydrogen production by a novel integration of dark fermentation and mixotrophic microalgae cultivation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38: 15807-15814. [SCI; IF = 2.930]
Yung-Chung Lo, Xue-Jiao Chen, Chi-Yu Huang, Ying-Jin Yuanand Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Nov.) Dark fermentative H2 production with crude glycerol from biodiesel manufacturing process using indigenous H2-producing bacteria. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38: 15815-15822 [SCI; IF=2.930]
Xijun Xu, Chuan Chen, Duu-Jong Lee*, Aijie Wang, Wanqian Guo, Xu Zhou, Hongliang Guo, Ye Yuan, Nanqi Ren, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-Nov.) Sulfate-reduction, sulfide-oxidation and elemental sulfur bioreduction process: Modeling and experimental validation. Bioresource Technology 147: 202–211. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Shih-hsin Ho, Yen-Ying Lai, Chun-Yu Chiang, Ching-Nen Nathan Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Nov.) Selection of elite microalgae for biodiesel production in tropical conditions using a standardized platform. Bioresource Technology 147: 135–142. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Chun-Yen Chen, Yu-Chun Chen, and Hsiao-Chen Huang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Nov.) Engineering Strategies for Enhancing the Production of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) from an Isolated Microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica CY2. Bioresource Technology 147: 160–167. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Huawei Wang, Fulong Chen, Shuyong Mu, Daoyong Zhang, Xiangliang Pan, Duu-Jong Lee*, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-Oct.)Removal of antimony (Sb(V)) from Sb mine drainage: Biological sulfate reduction and sulfide oxidation–precipitation Bioresource Technology 146: 799-802 [SCI; IF=5.039]
He PJ*, Mao B, Lü F, Shao LM, Lee DJ, Chang JS (2013-Oct.) The combined effect of bacteria and Chlorella vulgaris on the treatment of municipal wastewaters. Bioresource Technology 146: 562–568 [SCI; IF=5.039]
Chien-Hung Liu, Chin-Yen Chang, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Oct.) Photoheterotrophic growth of Chlorella vulgaris ESP6 on organic acids from dark hydrogen fermentation effluents. Bioresource Technology 145: 331–336. [SCI; IF=5.039]
Suolian Guo, Xinqing Zhao*, Chun Wan, Zih-You Huang, Yu-Liang Yang, Md. Asraful Alam, Shih-Hsin Ho, Fengwu Bai, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-October)Characterization of flocculating agent from the self-flocculating microalga Scenedesmus obliquus AS-6-1 for efficient biomass harvest. Bioresource Technology 145: 285–289. [SCI; IF=5.039]
Chun-Yen Chen, Pei-Chun Kao, Chia-Jung Tsai, Duu-Jong Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-October) Engineering strategies for simultaneous enhancement of C-phycocyanin production and CO2 fixation with Spirulina platensis. Bioresource Technology 145: 307–312. [SCI; IF=5.039]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Po-Jen Li, Chen-Chun Liu, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-October) Bioprocess development on microalgae-based CO2 fixation and bioethanol production using Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N. Bioresource Technology 145: 142–149. [SCI; IF=5.039]
Dang-Thuan Tran, Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-October) Kinetics of transesterification of olive oil with methanol catalyzed by immobilized lipase derived from an isolated Burkholderia sp. strain. Bioresource Technology 145: 193-203. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Youping Xie, Shih-Hsin Ho, Ching-Nen Nathan Chen, Chun-Yen Chen, I-Son Ng, Ke-Ju Jing, Jo-Shu Chang*, Yinghua Lu (2013-September) Phototrophic cultivation of a thermo-tolerant Desmodesmus sp. for lutein production: Effects of nitrate concentration, light intensity and fed-batch operation. Bioresource Technology 144: 435–444. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Chun-Yen Chen, Xinqing Zhao, Hong-Wei Yen, Shih-Hsin Ho, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Fengwu Bai, Duu-Jong Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Sept.) Microalgae-based carbohydrates for biofuel production. Biochemical Engineering Journal 78: 1–10 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Wei-Chuan Chen, Wan-Ju Yu, Chia-Che Chang, Jo-Shu Chang, Shih-Horng Huang, Chih-Hung Chang, Shan-Yu Chen, Chih-Ching Chien, Wen-Ming Chen, and Yu-Hong Wei* (2013-Sept.) Enhancing production of prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens C3 by statistical experimental design and porous carrier addition strategy. Biochemical Engineering Journal 78:93-100. [SCI; IF= 2.368]
Ming-Chang Chan, Shih-Hsin Ho, Duu-Jong Lee, Shih-Chi Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-Sept.) Characterization, extraction and purification of lutein produced by an indigenous microalga Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N. Biochemical Engineering Journal 78:24-31. [SCI; IF= 2.368]
I-Son Ng*, Xiaoqin Chi, Xiaomin Wu, Ziwei Bao, Yinghua Lu, Jo-Shu Chang, Xueping Ling (2013-Sept.) Cloning and expression of Cel8A from Klebsiella pneumoniae in Escherichia coli and comparison to cel gene of Cellulomonas uda. Biochem. Eng. J. 78:53-58 [SCI; IF= 2.368]
Julia Nanda, Chris G. Whiteley, Jo-Shu Chang, Duu-Jong Lee* (2013-Sept.) Production of Elementary Sulfur from Sulfide and Nitrate-laden Wastewaters by Methanogenic Culture via Sulfide Denitrifying Removal Process. Biochemical Engineering Journal 78:128-131. [SCI; IF= 2.368]
Chun-Yen Chen*,Jo-Shu Chang, Hsin-Yueh Chang, Tzong-Yueh Chen, Jou-Hsien Wuand Wen-Lung Lee (2013-August) Enhancing microalgal oil/lipid production from Chlorella sorokiniana CY1 using deep-sea water supplemented cultivation medium. Biochemical Engineering Journal 77: 74–81 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Dang-Thuan Tran, Bich-Hanh Le, Duu-Jong Lee, Ching-Lung Chen, Hsiang-Yu Wang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-July) Microalgae harvesting and subsequent biodiesel conversion. Bioresource Technology 140: 179–186. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Rhesa P. Utomo, Yin-Ru Chang, Duu-Jong Lee*, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-July) Lutein Recovery from Chlorella sp. ESP-6 with Coagulants. Bioresource Technology 139: 176–180. [SCI; IF=5.039]
Shimpei Aikawa, Ancy Joseph, Ryosuke Yamada,Yoshihiro Izumi, Takahiro Yamagishi, Fumio Matsuda, Hiroshi Kawai, Jo-Shu Chang, Tomohisa Hasunuma and Akihiko Kondo* (2013-June) Direct conversion of Spirulina to ethanol without pretreatment or enzymatic hydrolysis processes. Energy & Environmental Science 6: 1844-1849 [SCI; IF= 15.490]
Wen-Ming Chen, Hsing-Wei Huang, Jo-Shu Chang, Yin-Lung Han, Tai-Rong Guo and Shih-Yi Sheu* (2013-May) Tepidimonas fonticaldi sp. nov., a slightly thermophilic betaproteobacterium isolated from hot spring. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 63: 1810-1816. [SCI; IF= 2.798]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Akihiko Kondo, Tomohisa Hasunuma, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-May) Engineering strategies on improving the CO2 fixation and carbohydrate productivity of Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N used for bioethanol fermentation. Bioresource Technology 143: 163-171. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Yu-Luen Deng, Jo-Shu Chang, Yi-Je Juang* (2013-May) Separation of microalgae with different lipid contents by dielectrophoresis. Bioresource Technology 135: 137-141. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Jong-Moon Park, Akihiko Kondo, Jo-Shu Chang, C. Perry Chou, Pierre Monsan (2013-May) Biorefineries. Bioresource Technology 135: 1. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Shu-Wen Huang, Chun-Yen Chen, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Akihiko Kondo, andJo-Shu Chang* (2013-May) Characterization and optimization of carbohydrate production from an indigenous microalga Chlorella vulgaris FSP-E. Bioresource Technology 135: 157-165. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Hong-Wei Yen, I-Chen Hu, Chun-Yen Chen, Shih-Hsin Ho, Duu-Jong Lee, and Chang, J. S.* (2013-May) Microalgae-based biorefinery – From biofuels to natural products. Bioresource Technology 135: 166-174. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Shu-Wen Huang, Chun-Yen Chen, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Akihiko Kondo, andChang, J. S.* (2013-May) Bioethanol production using carbohydrate-rich microalgae biomass as feedstock. Bioresource Technology 135: 191-198. [SCI; IF= 5.039, Total citation=19]
Wei-Chen Kao, De-Shun Lin, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Bor-Yann Chen, and Chang, J. S.* (2013-May) Enhancing butanol production with Clostridium pasteurianum CH4 using sequential glucose-glycerol addition and simultaneous dual-substrate cultivation strategies. Bioresource Technology 135:324–330. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Truc Linh Nguyen, D.J. Lee, J.S. Chang, J.C. Liu* (2013-May) Effects of ozone and peroxone on algal separation via dispersed air flotation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 105: 246–250 [SCI; IF=4.287]
Dang-Thuan Tran, Kuei-Ling Yeh, Ching-Lung Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2013-May) Effect of solvents and oil content on direct transesterification of wet oil-bearing microalgal biomass of Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31 for biodiesel synthesis using immobilized lipase as the biocatalyst. Bioresource Technology 135: 213-221. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Kuan-Yeow Show; D J Lee; Jo-Shu Chang (2013-May) Algal Biomass Dehydration. Bioresource Technology 135: 720-729. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
R. Pranowo, D. J. Lee, J. C. Liu* and J. S. Chang (2013-March) Effect of O3 and O3/H2O2 on algae harvesting using chitosan. Water Science & Technology 67(6):1294-1301. [SCI; IF=1.212]
He PJ*, Mao B, Shen CM, Shao LM, Lee DJ, Chang JS (2013-Feb) Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris on Wastewaters Containing High Levels of Ammonia for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology 129: 177–181. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Duu-Jong Lee*, Gwan-Yu Chen, Yin-Ru Chang, Arun S. Mujumdar, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-Feb) Cyclic Filtration-Cleaning of Chlorella vulgaris Using Surface-Modified Hydrophilic Polytetrafluoroethylene Membrane with Polyaluminum Chloride as Coagulant. Drying Technology 31:207-212 [SCI; IF= 1.770]
Suolian Guo, Xinqing Zhao*, Ying Tang, Md. Asraful Alam, Chun Wan, Shih-Hsin Ho, Fengwu Bai, Jo-Shu Chang (2013-Jan) Establishment of an efficient genetic transformation system in Scenedesmus obliquus. Journal of Biotechnology 163:61-68. [SCI; IF= 2.884]
Wang, Hsiang-Yu*; Chang, Jo-Shu; Lee, Tsung-Hua (2013-Jan) Rapid and In Vivo Quantification of Cellular Lipids in Chlorella vulgaris using Near-infrared Raman Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 85(4): 2155–2160 [SCI; IF= 5.825]
Duu-Jong Lee, Chin-Yu Lee, Chang, J. S. (2012-Dec.) Treatment and electricity harvesting from sulfate/sulfide-containing wastewaters using microbial fuel cell with enriched sulfate-reducing mixed culture. Journal of Hazardous Materials 243:67-72 [SCI; IF=4.331]
Chin-Chao Chen, Jou-Hsien Wu, Chyi-How Lay, Biswarup Sen, Jo-Shu Chang (2012) "Kinetics of hydrogen production from condensed molasses fermentation solubles using sewage sludge in a continuous stirred tank reactor", Sustainable Environmental Research, 21(2):117-121.
Duu-Jong Lee, Chiu-Yue Lin, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-December) Clean Energy for Future Generations: Editorial of the 11th International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE-2011). Applied Energy 100: 1-2. [SCI; IF= 5.261]
Chieh-Lun Cheng, Pei-Yi Che, Bor-Yann Chen, Wen-Jhy Lee, Chiu-Yue Lin, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-December) Biobutanol production from agriculture wastes by an acclimated mixed bacterial microflora. Applied Energy 100:3-9. [SCI; IF= 5.261]
Chien-Hung Liu, Chien-Chang Huang, Yao-Wen Wang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-December) Biodiesel production by enzymatic transesterification catalyzed by Burkholderia lipase immobilized on hydrophobic magnetic particles. Applied Energy 100: 41-46. [SCI; IF= 5.261]
Ferdian Wirawan, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Wei-Chen Kao, Duu-Jong Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-December) Cellulosic Ethanol Production Performance with SSF and SHF Processes Using Immobilized Zymomonas mobilis. Applied Energy 100: 19-26. [SCI; IF= 5.261]
Chen, B-Y, Chuang, F-Y, Lin, C-L Lin, and Chang, J. S.* (2012-December) Deciphering butanol inhibition to Clostridial species in acclimatized sludge for improving biobutanol production. Biochemical Engineering Journal 69: 100-105. [SCI; IF=2.368]
Jian-Liang Pan, Hui-Min Wang, Chun-Yen Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-November) Extraction of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid with ethanol modifier. Engineering in Life Sciences 12(6): 638–647 [SCI; IF= 1.890].
Chin-Yu Lee, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Duu-Jong Lee*, Ay Su, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-October) Electricity harvest from wastewaters using microbial fuel cell with sulfide as sole electron donor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15787-15791. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Lihong Liu, Olga Tsyganova, Duu-Jong Lee*, Ay Su, Jo-Shu Chang, Aijie Wang, Nanqi Ren (2012-October) Anodic biofilm in single-chamber microbial fuel cells cultivated under different temperatures.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15792-15800. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Chiu-Yue Lin, Chyi-How Lay, Biswarup Sen, Chen-Yeon Chu, Gopalakrishnan Kumar, Chin-Chao Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang (2012-October) Fermentative hydrogen production from wastewaters: a review and prognosis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15632-15642. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Duu-Jong Lee*, Guan-Yu Liao, Yin-Ru Chang, and Jo-Shu Chang (2012-October) Chitosan Coagulation-Membrane Filtration of Chlorella vulgaris. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15643-15647. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Chien-Hung Liu, Chin-Yen Chang, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Duu-Jong Lee, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-October) Fermentative hydrogen production by Clostridium butyricum CGS5 using carbohydrate-rich microalgal biomass as feedstock. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37: 15458-15464. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Chiao-Ling Wong, Chien-Chang Huang, Chien-Chang Huang, Wei-Bin Lu, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012- December) Producing 2,3-Butanediol from agriculture waste using an indigenous Klebsiella sp. Zmd30 strain. Biochemical Engineering Journal 69: 32–40. [SCI; IF=2.368]
K.Y. Show, D.J. Lee, J.H. Tay, C.Y. Lin, J.S. Chang (2012-October) Biohydrogen production: Current perspectives and the way forwardInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37: 15616-15631 [SCI; IF=2.930]
Hsin-Ying Hsieh, Jeng-Jer Shieh, Chun-Jung Chen, Mu-Yun Pan, Shu-Yi Yang, Shin-Chang Lin, Jo-Shu Chang, Alan Yueh-Luen Lee, Chia-Che Chang* (2012-August) Prodigiosin down-regulates SKP2 to induce p27KIP1 stabilization and antiproliferation in human lung adenocarcinoma cells. British Journal of Pharmacology 166:2095–2108 [SCI; IF=4.990]
Chin-Yu Lee, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Duu-Jong Lee*, Ay Su, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-October) Electricity harvest from nitrate/sulfide-containing wastewaters using microbial fuel cell with autotrophic denitrifier, Pseudomonas sp. C27. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15827-15832. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Kuo-Ling Ho, Duu-Jong Lee*, Ay Su, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-October) Biohydrogen from cellulosic feedstock: Dilution-to-stimulation approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37:15582-15587 [SCI; IF=2.930]
Kuo-Ling Ho, Duu-Jong Lee*, Ay Su, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-October) Biohydrogen from lignocellulosic feedstock via one-step process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37: 15569-15574. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Chien-Hung Liu, Chien-Chang Huang, Yao-Wen Wang, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-July) Optimizing lipase production from isolated Burkholderia sp. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 43:511–516. [SCI; IF= 2.637, Total citation=5]
Chien-Hsing Lu, Shin-Chang Lin, Shu-Yi Yang, Mu-Yun Pan, Yun-Wei Lin, Chun-Yi Hsu, Yu-Hong Wei, Jo-Shu Chang, Chia-Che Chang* (2012-July) Prodigiosin-induced cytotoxicity involves RAD51 down-regulation through the JNK and p38 MAPK pathways in human breast carcinoma cell lines. Toxicology Letters 212: 83-89 [SCI; IF= 3.355]
o-Shu Chang* (2012-June) Biodiesel synthesis via heterogeneous catalysis using modified strontium oxides as the catalysts. Bioresource Technology 113: 8–13. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Chieh-Lun Cheng, Pei-Yi Che, Bor-Yann Chen, Liang-Jung Chien,Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-June) High yield bio-butanol production by solvent-producing bacterial microflora. Bioresource Technology 113: 58–64. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Shih-Hsin Ho, Chun-Yen Chen and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-June) Effect of light intensity and nitrogen starvation on CO2 fixation and lipid/carbohydrate production of an indigenous microalga Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N. Bioresource Technology 113: 244–252. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Kuei-Ling Yeh, Chun-Yen Chen and Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-May) pH-stat photoheterotrophic cultivation of indigenous Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31 for biomass and lipid production using acetic acid as the carbon source. Biochemical Engineering Journal 64: 1–7 [SCI; IF=2.368]
Xue Yang, Maoan Du, Duu-Jong Lee, Chunli Wan, Lina Zheng, Guanyuan Li, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-April) Enhanced production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) from sewage sludge by b-cyclodextrin. Bioresource Technology 110: 688–691. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Tran D-T, Chen C-L, and Chang, J. S.* (2012-April)Immobilization of Burkholderia sp. Lipase on a ferric silica nanocomposite for biodiesel production. Journal of Biotechnology 158:112-119. [SCI; IF= 2.884]
Shimpei Aikawa, Yoshihiro Izumi, Fumio Matsuda, Tomohisa Hasunuma, Jo-Shu Chang, Akihiko Kondo* (2012-March) Synergistic enhancement of glycogen production in Arthrospira platensis by optimization of light intensity and nitrate supply. Bioresource Technology 108: 211-215. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Duu-Jong Lee, Guan-Yu Liao, Yin-Ru Chang, Jo-Shu Chang (2012-March) Coagulation-membrane filtration of Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology 108: 184-189. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Dang-Thuan Tran, Kuei-Ling Yeh, Ching-Lung Chen, Jo-Shu Chang* (2012-March) Enzymatic transesterification of microalgal oil from Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31 for biodiesel synthesis using immobilized Burkholderia lipase. Bioresource Technology 108: 119–127. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Yeh, KL and Chang, J. S.* (2012-February) Effects of cultivation conditions and media composition on cell growth and lipid productivity of indigenous microalga Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31. Bioresource Technology 105:120–127. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Ho, S-H, Lu, W-B, and Chang, J. S.* (2012-February) Photobioreactor strategies for improving the CO2 fixation efficiency of indigenous Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N: Statistical optimization of CO2 feeding, illumination, and operation mode. Bioresource Technology 105:106–113. [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Chen C-Y, Chang H-W, Kao P-C, Ho S-H, Pan J-L and Chang, J. S.* (2012-February) Biosorption of cadmium by CO2-fixing microalga Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N. Bioresource Technology 105:74–80 [SCI; IF= 5.039]
Chyi-How Lay, Szu-Yu Kuo, Biswarup Sen, Chin-Chao Chen, Jo-Shu Chang, Chiu-Yue Lin* (2012-January) Fermentative biohydrogen production from starch-containing textile wastewater. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37: 2050–2057. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lin, Ta-Chen, Po-Tsen Pan, Chiu-Chung Young, Jo-Shu Chang, Tsung-Chung Chang, Sheng-Shung Cheng* (2011-November) Evaluation of the Optimal Strategy for ex-situ Bioremediation of Diesel Oil-contaminated Soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 18(9): 1487-1496. [SCI; IF= 2.757]
Saratale, RG, Saratale, GD, Chang, J-S*, and Govindwar, SP (2011-August) Decolorization and degradation of reactive azo dyes by fixed bed bioreactors containing immobilized cells of Proteus vulgaris NCIM-2027. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering16(4):830-842. [SCI; IF=1.220]
Wong C-L, Huang C-C , Chen W-M, and Chang, J. S.* (2011-December) Converting crude glycerol to 1,3-propandiol using resting and immobilized Klebsiella sp. HE-2 cells. Biochemical Engineering Journal 58-59: 177-183. [SCI; IF=2.368]
Liu, C-H, Lin, Lin, Y-H, Chen, C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2011-December) Fermentation strategies for the production of lipase by an indigenous isolate Burkholderia sp. C20. Biochemical Engineering Journal 58-59: 96-102. [SCI; IF=2.368]
Chiu, S-Y, Kao, C-Y, Huang, T-T, Lin, C-J, Ong, S-C, Chen, C-D, Chang, J-S, Lin, C-S (2011-September) Microalgal biomass production and on-site bioremediation of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide in flue gas using Chlorella sp. cultures. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 9135-9142. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Lo Y-C, Chen C-Y, Lee C-Mand Chang, J. S.* (2011-October) Photo fermentative hydrogen production using dominant components (acetate, lactate, and butyrate) in dark fermentation effluents. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36:14059-14068. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Ping-Jei Lin, Lee-Hao Yang, Chiu-Yue Lin, Jo-Shu Chang, Shu-Yii Wu, Kuo-Shing Lee* (2011-October) Enhancing the performance of pilot-scale fermentative hydrogen production by proper combinations of HRT and substrate concentration. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36:14289 -14294. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lo, Y-C, Su, Y-C, Cheng, C-L, and Chang, J-S* (2011-October) Biohydrogen production from pure and natural lignocellulosic feedstock with chemical pretreatment and bacterial hydrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36: 13955-13963. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Yeh, K-Land Chang, J. S.* (2011-November) Nitrogen starvation strategies and photobioreactor design for enhancing lipid production of a newly isolated microalga Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31: Implications for biofuels. Biotechnology Journal 6(11): 1358–1366. [SCI; IF=3.708]
Jo-Shu Chang, Alan J. Guwy, Duu-Jong Lee (2011-September) Preface - Special Issue: Biofuels-III: Biohydrogen. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8343. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Chiu-Yue Lin, Shu-Yii Wu, Ping-Jei Lin, Jo-Shu Chang, Chun-Hsiung Hung, Kuo-Shing Lee, Chyi-How Lay, Chen-Yeon Chu, Chin-Hung Cheng, Alex C. Chang, Jou-Hsien Wu, Feng-Yuan Chang, Lee-Hao Yang, Chia-Wen Lee, Yi-Chun Lin. (2011-July) A pilot-scale high-rate biohydrogen production system with mixed microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36(14): 8758-8764 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Show, K-Y, Lee, D-J,*, and Chang, J. S. (2011-September) Bioreactor and Process Design for Biohydrogen Production. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8524-8533. [SCI; IF= 5.039, Total citation=28].
Lo Y-C, Huang L-F, Cheng C-L, and Chang, J. S.* (2011-September)Using a starch-rich mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana as feedstock for fermentative hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8543-8546 [SCI; IF= 5.0391].
Yasuhiro Fukushima*, Yu-Jung Huang, Jhen-Wei Chen, Hung-Chun Lin, Liang-Ming Whang, Hsin Chu, Young-Chong Lo, Jo-Shu Chang (2011-September) Material and energy balances of an integrated biological hydrogen production and purification system and their implications for its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8550-8556. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Yung-Chung Lo, Chi-Yu Huang, Chieh-Lun Cheng, Chiu-Yue Lin, and Jo-Shu Chang (2011-September) Characterization of cellulolytic enzymes and bioH2 production from anaerobic thermop8hilic Clostridium sp. TCW1. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8384-8392. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Cheng C-L and Chang, J. S.* (2011-September) Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic feedstock by novel cellulases originating from Pseudomonas sp. CL3 for fermentative hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8628-8634. [SCI; IF= 5.0392].
Chen, C-Y, Liu, C-H, and Chang, J. S.* (2011-September) Perspective on cultivation strategies and photobioreactor designs for photo-fermentative hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8484-8492. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Cheng, C-L, Lo, Y-C, and Chang, J. S.* (2011-September) Biohydrogen production from lignocellulosic feedstock. Bioresource Technology 102(18): 8514-8523 [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Jo-Shu Chang (2011-May) Bioconversion and bioprocess technology for cleaner environment and better life. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 42(3):377-379 [SCI; IF= 2.637].
Saratale, RG, Saratale, GD, Chang, J-S*, and Govindwar, SP (2011-June) Fixed-bed decolorization of Reactive Blue 172 by Proteus vulgaris NCIM-2027 immobilized on Luffa cylindrica sponge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 65:494-503 [SCI; IF=2.235]
Ho, S-H, Chen, C-Y, Lee, D-J, and Chang, J-S* (2011-March-April) Perspectives on Microalgal CO2-Emission Mitigation Systems – A review. Biotechnology Advances 29:189-198 [SCI; IF=8.905].
De-Wei Chang, Meng-Ling Hsieh, Yan-Min Chen, Tsair-Fuh Lin, and Jo-Shu Chang (2011- January) Kinetics of Cell Lysis for Microcystis aeruginosa and Nitzschia palea in the Exposure to β-Cyclocitral. Journal of Hazardous Materials 185(2-3): 1214-1220. [SCI; IF=4.331]
Wang H-Y, Bernarda, A, Huang, C-Y, Lee, D-J, and Chang, J-S (2011-January) Micro-sized Microbial Fuel Cell: A Mini-Review. Bioresource Technology 102(1): 235-243. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Chen, C-Y, Yeh, K-L, Aisyah, R, Lee, D-J, and Chang, J-S* (2011-January) Cultivation, photobioreactor design and harvesting of microalgae for biodiesel production: A critical review. Bioresource Technology 102(1):71-81. [SCI; IF= 5.039]. Most download article of Bioresource Technology. ISI Hi-Ci paper
Wu, K-J, Lo, Y-C, Chen, C-Y, Chen, S-D, Chen, W-M, Chang, J-S* (2011-January)Converting glycerol into hydrogen, ethanol and diols with Klebsiella sp. HE1 strain via anaerobic fermentation. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 42:20-25. [SCI; IF= 2.637].
Saratale, RG, Saratale, GD, Parshetti, GK, Chang, J-S*, and Govindwar, SP (2011-January) Bacterial decolorization and degradation of azo dyes: a review. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 42:138-157. [SCI; IF= 2.637]. ISI Hi-Ci paper
Cheng Y-L, Juang, Y-C, Tsai, P-W, Ho, S-H, Chen, C-Y. Chang, J-S, Chen, W-M, Liu, J-C, Lee, D-J (2011-January)Harvesting of Scenedesmus obliquus FSP-3 Using Dispersed Ozone Flotation. Bioresource Technology 102:82-87. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Yang, L-H, Lin, P-J, Lin, C-Y, Chang, J-S, Lee, K-S* (2010) Effects of pH on continuous biohydrogen production from sucrose using seacoast sludge as seed culture. The Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers 31(6):531-536. [SCI; IF=0.274].
Cheng Y-L, Juang YC, Liao GY, Ho SH, Yeh KL, Chen CY, Chang, J-S, Liu JC, Lee DJ (2010) Dispersed Ozone Flotation of Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology 101(23):9092-9096. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Lo, Y-C, Lu, W-C, Chen, W-M, and Chang, J-S* (2010) Characterization and high level production of xylanase from an indigenous cellulolytic bacterium Acinetobacter junii F6-02 southern Taiwan soil. Biochemical Engineering Journal 53:77-84 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Ho, S-H, Chen, C-Y, Yeh, K-L, Chen, W-M, Lin C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2010) Characterization of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation ability of indigenous Scenedesmus obliquus isolates. Biochemical Engineering Journal 53:57-62 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Wang H-M, Pan J-L,Chiu C-C,Chen C-Y, Chang, J-S* (2010) Identification of anti-lung cancer extract from Chlorella vulgaris C-C by antioxidant property using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. Process Biochemistry 45:1865-1872 [SCI; IF=2.524].
Chiu-Yue Lin, Shu-Yii Wu, Ping-Jei Lin, Jo-Shu Chang, Chun-Hsiung Hung, Kuo-Shing Lee, Feng-Yuan Chang, Chen-Yeon Chu, Chin-Hung Cheng, Chyi-How Lay, Alex C Chang (2010) Pilot-scale hydrogen fermentation system start-up performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35:13452–13457 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Chen, C-Y, Yeh, K-L, Lo, Y-C, Wang, H-M, and Chang, J-S* (2010) Engineering strategies for the enhanced photo-H2 production using effluents of dark fermentation processes as substrate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35:13356-13364 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Saratale, R. G. Saratale, G. D., Govindwar, S. P., and Chang, J. S.* (2010) Decolorization and biodegradation of reactive dyes and dye wastewater by a developed bacterial consortium. Biodegradation 21(6):999-1015 [SCI; IF= 2.492]
Ho, S-H and Chang, J-S* (2010) Scenedesmus obliquus CNW-N as a potential candidate for CO2 mitigation and biodiesel prodution. Bioresource Technology 101(22):8725-8730. [SCI; IF= 5.039].
Lo, Y-C, Chen, C-Y, Lee, C-Mand Chang, J-S* (2010) Sequential dark–photo fermentation and autotrophic microalgal growth for high-yield and CO2-free biohydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35: 10944-10953 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lo, Y-C, Lu, W-C, Chen, C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2010) Dark fermentative hydrogen production from enzymatic hydrolysate of xylan and pretreated rice straw by Clostridium butyricum CGS5. Bioresource Technology 101:5885-5891. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Chen, C, Wang, A., Ren, N, Liu, L., Adav, S. S., Lee, D.J.*, and Chang, J-S (2010) Enhancing Denitrifying Sulfide Removal with Functional Strains Under Micro-aerobic Condition. Process Biochemistry 45: 1007-1010. [SCI; IF= 2.524].
Ya-Hui Chuang, Cheng-Hua Liu, Yu-Min Tzou, Jo-Shu Chang, Po-Neng Chiang, Ming-Kuang Wang (2010) Comparison and characterization of chemical surfactants and bio-surfactants intercalated with layered double hydroxides (LDHs) for removing naphthalene from contaminated aqueous solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 366: 170-177. [SCI; IF=2.354].
Chen, C-Y, Yeh, K-L, Chen, W-M, Lo, Y-C, Su, W-M, and Chang, J-S* (2010) Strategies to Enhance Cell Growth and Achieve High-Level Oil Production of a Chlorella vulgaris Isolate. Biotechnology Progress 26(3): 679-686. [SCI; IF=1.883].
Yeh, K-L, Chen, W-M and Chang, J-S* (2010) Effect of light supply and carbon source on cell growth and cellular composition of a newly isolated microalga Chlorella vulgaris ESP-31. Engineering in Life Sciences 10(3): 201–208. [SCI; IF= 1.890].
Chen, C-Y, Chen, Y-H, Kuo, P-L, Huang, J-C, Ho, M-L, Wang, C-K, Chang, J-S, and Wang, H-M (2010)Tyrosinase inhibition, free radical scavenging, antimicrobial and anticancer proliferation activities of Sapindus mukorossi extracts.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 41(2): 129-135. [SCI; IF= 2.637].
Saratale, G. D., Saratale, R. G., Lo, Y-C, and Chang, J. S.* (2010) Multicomponenet cellulase production by Cellulomonas biazotea NCIM-2550 and its applications for cellulosic biohydrogen production. Biotechnology Progress 26(2):406-416. [SCI; IF=1.883].
Lee, K-S, Whang, L-M, Saratale, GD, Chen, S-D, and Chang, J-S* (2010) "Hydrogen production in a dark fermentation: an outlook on bioreactor and molecular biotechnology." in “Hydrogen Energy Handbook”, Ed. by S. A. Sherif, Published by Taylor and Francis Group
Saratale, GD, Chien, L-J, and Chang, J-S* (2010) "Enzymatic treatment of Lignocellulosic wastes for anaerobic digestion and bioenergy production." in “Environmental Anaerobic Technology: Applications and New Developments”, Ed. by Herbert H-P Fang. Published by Imperial College Press.
Chang, J. S. (2009) Bioenergy engineering for clean and sustainable energy production. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 108(S1):S41 [SCI; IF=1.790].
Chen, S-D, Lo, Y-C, Huang, T-I, Chen, W-M Chen, and Chang, J-S* (2009)Sequencing batch reactor enhances bacterial hydrolysis of starch promoting continuous biohydrogen production from starch feedstock. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34(20): 8549-8557 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Chairattanamanokorn, P., Penthamkeerati, P., Reungsamg, A, Lo, Y-C, Lu, W-B and Chang, J-S* (2009) Production of biohydrogen from hydrolyzed bagasse with thermally preheated sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34(18): 7612-7617 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lo, Y-C, Su, Y-C, Chen, W-M, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Biohydrogen production from cellulosic hydrolysate produced via temperature-shift-enhanced bacterial cellulose hydrolysis. Bioresource Technology 100(23): 5802-5807. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Lin, T-C, Shen, F-T, Chang, J-S., Lin, S.-Y., Young, C-C, and Chen, T-L (2009) Hydrocarbon degrading potential of bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated soil. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 40(5): 580-582. [SCI; IF=2.637].
Lo, Y-C, Huang, C-Y, Fu, T-N, Chen, C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Fermentative hydrogen production from hydrolyzed cellulosic feedstock prepared with a thermophilic anaerobic bacterial isolate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34(15):6189-6200 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Kao, W-C, Wu, J-Y, Chang, C-C, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Cadmium biosorption by polyvinyl alcohol immobilized recombinant Escherichia coli. Journal of Hazardous Materials 169(1-3):651-658. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Lo, Y-C, Lee, K-S, Lin, P-J, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Bioreactors configured with distributors and carriers enhance the performance of continuous dark hydrogen fermentation. Bioresource Technology 100: 4381–4387. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Chen, B-Y, You, J-W, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Optimal Exponential Feeding Strategy for Dual-Substrate Biostimulation of Phenol Degradation Using Cupriavidus taiwanensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials 168: 507-514. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Lai, C-C, Huang, Y-C, Wei, Y-H, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Biosurfactant-enhanced removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 167:609-614. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Saratale, R. G. Saratale, G. D., Chang, J. S.*, and Govindwar, S. P. (2009) Decolorization and biodegradation of textile dye navy blue HER by Trichosporon beigelii NCIM-3326. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166 (2-3):1421-1428 [SCI; IF=4.331].
Lo, Y-C, Saratale, G.D., Wen-Ming Chen, Ming-Der Bai, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Isolation of cellulose-hydrolytic bacteria and applications of the cellulolytic enzymes for cellulosic biohydrogen production. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 44:417-425. [SCI; IF=2.966].
Lin, C-N, Wu, S-Y, Chang, Jian-Sheng, and Chang, J-S. (2009) Biohydrogen production in a three-phase fluidized bed bioreactor using sewage sludge immobilized by ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. Bioresource Technology 100(13):3298-3301 [SCI; IF=5.039].
Saratale, R. G. Saratale, G. D., Chang, J. S.*, and Govindwar, S. P. (2009) Ecofriendly degradation of sulfonated diazo dye Cl Reactive Green 19A using Micrococcus glutamicus NCIM-2168. Bioresource Technology 100(17): 3897-3905 [SCI; IF=5.039].
Tsing-Fen Ho, Yu-Ta Peng, Show-Mei Chuang, Shin-Chang Lin, Bo-Lin Feng, Chien-Hsing Lu, Wan-Ju Yu, Jo-Shu Chang*, Chia-Che Chang* (2009) Prodigiosin down-regulates survivin to facilitate paclitaxel sensitization in human breast carcinoma cell lines. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 235: 253-260 [SCI; IF=3.630].
Saratale, R. G. Saratale, G. D., Chang, J. S.*, and Govindwar, S. P. (2009) Enhanced decolorization and biodegradation of textile azo dye Scarlet R by using developed microbial consortium-GR. Bioresource Technology 100:2493-2500. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Hsieh, J-L, Chen, C-Y, Chiu, M-H, Chang, J-S*, Endo, G., and Huang, C-C* (2009) Expressing a bacterial mercuric ion binding protein in plant for phytoremediation of heavy metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials 161: 920-925. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Liu, C-H, Lin, Y-H, Chen, C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2009) Characterization of Burkholderia lipase Immobilized on celite carriers. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 40(4): 359-363. [SCI; IF=2.637].
Chen, C-Y, Chen, B-C, Lee, C-M, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Phototrophic hydrogen production in photobioreactors coupled with solar-energy-excited optical fibers . International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33: 6886–6895. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Fritsch, M., Hartmeier W. and Chang, J-S* (2008) Enhancing hydrogen production of Clostridium butyricum using a column reactor with square-structured ceramic fittings. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:6549–6557 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Saratale, GD, Chen, S-D, Lo, Y-C, Saratale, R G, Chang, J-S* (2008) Outlook of biohydrogen production from lignocellulosic feedstock using dark fermentation– a review. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 67:962-979 [SCI; IF=0.500].
Lo, Y-C, Chen, S-D, Chen, C-Y, Huang, T-I, Lin, C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Combining enzymatic hydrolysis and dark-photo fermentation processes for hydrogen production from starch feedstock: A feasibility study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:5224-5233 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Wang, M-Y, Tsai, Y-L, Olson B H, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Monitoring dark H2 fermentation performance of indigenous Clostridium butyricum by hydrogenase gene expression using RT-PCR and qPCR. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:4730–4738 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Chen, C-Y, Yang, M-H, Yeh, K-L and Chang, J-S* (2008) Biohydrogen production using sequential dark and photo fermentation processes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:4755–4762 [SCI; IF=2.930] ISI Hi-Ci paper
Kao, W-C, Huang, C-C, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Biosorption of nickel, chromium and zinc by MerP-expressing recombinant Escherichia coli. Journal of Hazardous Materials 158:100-106. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Chen, B-Y, You, J-W, Shieh, Y-T, and Chang, J-S* (2008)Feasibility Study of Exponential Feeding Strategy in Fed-Batch Cultures for Phenol Degradation using Cupriavidus taiwanensis. Biochemical Engineering Journal 41 (2008) 175–180 [SCI; IF=2.368].
Wu, K-J, Saratale, G.D., Lo, Y-C, Chen, W-M, Tseng, Z-J, Chang, M-C, Tsai, B-C, Su, A, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Simultaneous production of 2,3-butanediol, ethanol and hydrogen with a Klebsilla sp. strain isolated from sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology 99(17): 7966-7970. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Lo, Y-C, Bai, M-D, Chen, W-M, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Cellulosic hydrogen production with a sequencing bacterial hydrolysis and dark fermentation strategy. Bioresource Technology 99(17): 8299-8303. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Lu, W-B, Shi, J-J, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Exploring multi-metal biosorption by indigenous metal-hyperresistant Enterobacter sp. J1 using experimental design methodologies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 153(1-2):372-381. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Lin, T-C, Chang, J-S, and Young, C-C (2008) Exopolysaccharides produced by Gordonia alkanivorans enhance bacterial degradation activity for diesel. Biotechnology Letters 30(7):1201-1206 [SCI; IF=1.736].
Chen, S-D, Lee, K-S, Chen, W-M, Lo, Y-C, Wu, J-F, Lin, C-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Batch and continuous biohydrogen production from starch hydrolysate by Clostridium species. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33(7): 1803-1812 [SCI; IF=2.930]. ISI Hi-CI paper
Wu SY*, Lin. CY, Lin PJ, Hung CH, Chang JS, Lee KS and Chang FY (2008) Dark fermentative hydrogen production from xylose in different bioreactors using sewage sludge microflora. Energy & Fuels 22(1): 113-119 [SCI; IF=2.733 ISI Hi-Ci paper
Wang, C-H and Chang, J-S* (2008) Continuous biohydrogen production from starch with granulated mixed bacterial microflora. Energy & Fuels 22(1):93-97 [SCI; IF=2.733].
Chang, J-S*, Lin, C-Y, and Miyake, J (2008) Editorial: Special issue - Asian Biohydrogen Symposium 2006. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33(5):1459-1460. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lee, K-S, Hsu, Y-F, Lo, Y-C, Lin, P-J, Lin, C-Y and Chang, J-S* (2008) Exploring optimal environmental factors for fermentative hydrogen production from starch using mixed anaerobic microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:1565-1572. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Wu, S-Y, Hung, C-H, Lin, C-Y, Lin, P-J, Lee, K-S, Lin, C-N, Chang, F-Y, Chang, J-S* (2008) HRT-dependent hydrogen production and bacterial community structure of mixed anaerobic microflora in suspended, granular and immobilized sludge systems using glucose as the carbon substrate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33:1542-1549. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Wang, M-Y, Olson B H*, Chang, J-S* (2008) Relationship among growth parameters for Clostridium butyricum, hydA gene expression and biohydrogen production in a sucrose supplemented batch reactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 78:525-532 [SCI; IF=3.811].
Chen, C-Y, Lu, W-B, Liu, C-H, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Improved phototrophic H2 production with Rhodopseudomonas palustris WP3-5 using acetate and butyrate as dual carbon substrates Bioresource Technology 99 (2008):3609-3616. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Lo, Y-C, Chen, W-M, Hung, C-H, Chen, S-D, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Dark H2 fermentation from sucrose and xylose using H2-producing indigenous bacteria: Feasibility and kinetic studies. Water Research 42:827-842 [SCI; IF=5.323]. “Top 25 most cited” from Water Research from 2007-2011.
Chen, W-M, Wu, C-H, Euan K. James, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Metal biosorption capability of Cupriavidus taiwanensis and its effects on heavy metal removal by nodulated Mimosa pudica. Journal of Hazardous Materials 151:364-371 [SCI; IF=4.331].
Liu, C-H and Chang, J-S* (2008) Lipolytic activity of suspended and membrane immobilized lipase originating from indigenous Burkholderia sp. C20. Bioresource Technology 99:1616-1622 [SCI; IF=5.039].
Liu, C-H, Wu, J-Y, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Diffusion characteristics and controlled release of bacterial fertilizers from modified calcium alginate capsules. Bioresource Technology 99:904-1910 [SCI; IF=5.039].
Wu, J-Y, Yeh, K-L, Lu, W-B, Lin, C-L, and Chang, J-S* (2008) Rhamnolipid production with indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa EM1 isolated from oil-contaminated site. Bioresource Technology 99:1157-1164 [SCI; IF=5.039].
Wang, M-Y, Olson B H*, Chang, J-S* (2007) Improving PCR and qPCR detection of hydrogenase A (hydA) associated with Clostridia in pure cultures and environmental sludges using bovine serum albumin. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 77(3):645-656 [SCI; IF=3.811, Total citation=13].
Chen B-Y* and Chang, J-S (2007) Assessment upon species evolution of mixed consortia for azo dye decolorization. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 38:259–266. [SCI; IF=2.637].
Wu, K-J, Lo, Y-C, Chen, S-D, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Fermentative production of biofuels with entrapped anaerobic sludge using sequential HRT shifting operation in continuous cultures. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 38:205–213. [SCI; IF=2.637].
Chen, S-D, Sheu, D-S, Chen, W-M, Yung-Chung Lo, Huang, T-I, Chiu-Yue Lin and Chang, J-S* (2007) Dark hydrogen fermentation from hydrolyzed starch treated with recombinant amylase originating from Caldimonas taiwanensis On1. Biotechnology Progress 23:1312-1320 [SCI; IF=1.883].
Ho, TF, Tsai, Y-T, Ma, C-J, Lu, C-H, Wei, Y-H, Chang, J-S, Lai, J-K, Cheuh, P-J, Chow, K-C, Yeh, C-T, Tang, P-C, Chang, J T, Yen, H E, and Chang, C-C* (2007) Undecylprodigiosin selectively induces apoptosis in human breast carcinoma cells independent of p53. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 225(3):318-328. [SCI; IF= 3.630].
Wang, C-H, Lu, W-B, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Feasibility study on fermentative conversion of raw and hydrolyzed starch to hydrogen using anaerobic mixed microflora. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32:3849–3859. [SCI; IF=2.930]. ISI Hi-Ci paper
Chen, S-Y, Wei, Y-H, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Repeated pH-stat fed-batch fermentation for rhamnolipid production with indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa S2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 76:67–74. [SCI; IF=3.811].
Chen, S-Y, Lu, W-B, Wei, Y-H, Chen, W-M and Chang, J-S* (2007) Improved production of biosurfactant with newly isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa S2. Biotechnology Progress 23:661-666 [SCI; IF=1.883, Total citation=25].
Lin P-Y, Whang L-M*, Wu Y-R, Ren W-J, Hsiao C-J, Li S-L, Chang, J-S (2007) Biological Hydrogen Production of the genus Clostridium: Metabolic Study and Mathematical Model Simulation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32:1728-1735 [SCI; IF=2.930] ISI Hi-Ci paper
Wu, K-J, Chang, C-F, Chang, J-S* (2007) Simultaneous production of biohydrogen and bioethanol with fluidized-bed and packed-bed bioreactors containing immobilized anaerobic sludge. Process Biochemistry 42:1165–1171 [SCI; IF=2.524].
Hsieh, JL, Chen, CY, Chang, JS, Endo, G, and Huang, CC (2007) Overexpression of a single membrane component from Bacillus mer operon enhanced mercury resistance in an Escherichia coli host. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 71(6):1494-1499. [SCI; IF=1.206].
Chen, B-Y, Wang, M-Y, Lu, W-B, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Use of active consortia of constructed ternary bacterial cultures via mixture design for azo-dye decolorization enhancement. Journal of Hazardous Materials 145:404-409 [SCI; IF=4.331].
Chen, C-Y, Lu, W-B, Wu, J-F, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Enhancing phototrophic hydrogen production of Rhodopseudomonas palustris via statistical experimental design. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32:940–949. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lee, K-S, Fang, J-K, Lin, P-J, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Continuous hydrogen production by anaerobic mixed microflora using a hollow-fiber microfiltration membrane bioreactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32:950–957 [SCI; IF=2.930].
Hung, C-H, Lee, K-S, Cheng, L-H, Huang, Y-H Huang, Lin, P-J, and Chang, J-S (2007) Quantitative analysis of a high-rate hydrogen producting microbial community in anaerobic agitated granular sludge bed bioreactors using glucose as substrate. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 75(3):693-701 [SCI; IF=3.811] .
Liu, C-H, Chen, W-M, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Methods for rapid screening and isolation of bacteria producing acidic lipase: Feasibility studies and novel activity assay protocols. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23(5):633-640 [SCI; IF=1.353].
Lin CN, Wu S-Y*, Lee K-S, lin P-J, Lin C-Y and Chang, J-S* (2007) Integration of Fermentative Hydrogen Process and Fuel Cell for On-line Electricity Generation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32:802–808. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Wu, K-J and Chang, J-S* (2007) Batch and continuous fermentative production of hydrogen with anaerobic sludge entrapped in a composite polymeric matrix. Process Biochemistry 42(2):279-284 [SCI; IF=2.524].
Wu, K-J, Wu, C-S, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Biodegradability and mechanical properties of polycaprolactone composites encapsulating phosphate-solubilizing bacterium Bacillus sp. PG01. Process Biochemistry 42:669-675 [SCI; IF=2.524].
Chen, B-Y, Chen, W-M, and Chang, J-S* (2007) Optimal biostimulation strategy for phenol degradation with indigenous rhizobium Ralstonia taiwanensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007):232–237. [SCI; IF=4.331].
Lai, C-J, Wei, Y-H*, and Chang, J-S (2007) Using Taguchi experimental design methods to optimize trace element composition for enhanced surfactin production by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332. Process Biochemistry 42:40–45. [SCI; IF=2.524].
Wu, K-J, Chang, J-S*, and Chang, C-F (2006) Biohydrogen production using suspended and immobilized mixed microflora. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 37(6):545-550. [SCI; IF=2.637].
Chang, Jo-Shu (2006) Silicone-immobilized sludge generates hydrogen. Industrial Bioprocessing 28(1) 7 [EI]
Chen, C-Y, Lee, C-M, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Feasibility study on bioreactor strategies for enhanced photohydrogen production from Rhodopseudomonas palustris WP3-5 using optical-fiber-assisted illumination systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(15):2345-2355. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Lin, C-N, Wu S-Y*, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Fermentative hydrogen production with a draft tube fluidized bed reactor containing silicone-gel-immobilized anaerobic sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(15):2200-2210. [SCI; IF=2.930].
Kao, W-C, Chiu, Y-P, Tsai, Y-T, Chang, C-C*, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Localization effect on the metal biosorption capability of recombinant mammalian and fish metallothioneins in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Progress 22(5):1256-1264. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chen, C-Y, Lee, C-M and Chang, J-S* (2006) Hydrogen production by indigenous photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris WP3-5 using optical-fiber-illuminating photobioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal 32(1):33-42. [SCI; IF=2.368].
Chao, Y-M, Tseng, I-C, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Mechanism for sludge acidification in aerobic treatment of coking wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials 137(3):1781-1787. [SCI; IF=4.331]
Lee, K-S, Lo, Y-C, Lin, P-J and Chang, J-S* (2006) Improving biohydrogen production in a carrier-induced granular sludge bed by altering physical configuration and agitation pattern of the bioreactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31;1648-1657. [SCI; IF=2.930, Total citation=32] ISI Hi-CI paper
Chang, J-S* and Lee, K-S (2006) Response to comments on: Fermentative hydrogen production with Clostridium butyricum CGS5 isolated from anaerobic sewage sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31:1799-1801. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Chen, C-Y and Chang, J-S* (2006) Enhancing phototropic hydrogen production by solid-carrier assisted fermentation and internal optical-fiber illumination. Process Biochemistry 41:2041–2049. [SCI; IF=2.524]
Liu, C-H, Lu, W-B, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Optimizing lipase production of Burkholderia sp. by response surface methodology. Process Biochemistry 41:1940–1944. [SCI; IF=2.524]
Chen, B.-Y., Wu, C.-H., and Chang, J.-S.* (2006) An assessment of the toxicity of metals to Pseudomonas aeruginosa PU21 (Rip64). Bioresource Technology 97:1880-1886. [SCI; IF=5.039].
Yeh, M-S, Wei, Y-H, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Bioreactor design for enhanced carrier-assisted surfactin production with Bacillus subtilis. Process Biochemistry 41:1799–1805. [SCI; IF=2.524]
Chen, B-Y, Chen, S-Y, Lin, M-Y, Chang, J-S* (2006) Exploring bioaugmentation strategies for azo-dye decolorization using a mixed consortium of Pseudomonas luteola and Escherichia coli. Process Biochemistry 41:1574–1581. [SCI; IF=2.524]
Lu, W-B, Shi, J-J, Wang, C-H, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Biosorption of lead, copper and cadmium by an indigenous isolate Enterobacter sp. J1 possessing high heavy-metal resistance. Journal of Hazardous Materials B134:80–86. [SCI; IF=4.331]
Wang, C-H, Lin, P-J, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Fermentative conversion of sucrose and pineapple waste into hydrogen gas in phosphate-buffered culture seeded with a municipal sewage sludge. Process Biochemistry 41:1353–1358. [SCI; IF=2.524]
Wu, S-Y, Hung, C-H, Lin, C-N, Chen, H-W, Lee, A-S, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Fermentative hydrogen production and bacterial community structure in high-rate anaerobic bioreactors containing silicone-immobilized and self-flocculated sludge. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 93(5):934-946. [SCI; IF=4.164]
Lee, K-S, Lin, P-J, and Chang, J-S* (2006) Temperature effect on biohydrogen production in a granular sludge bed induced by activated carbon carriers. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31(4):465-472. [SCI; IF=2.930]
Young, C-C, Yeh, M-S, Shen, F-T, and Chang, J-S* (2005) Identification and kinetic characteristics of an indigenous diesel-degrading Gordonia alkanivorans strain. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 21:1409–1414. [SCI; IF=1.353]
Chen, B.-Y., Chen, S-Y and Chang, J-S* (2005) Immobilized cell fixed-bed bioreactor for wastewater decolorization. Process Biochemistry 40:3434–3440. [SCI; IF=2.524]
Wei, Y-H, Chou, J-L, and Chang, J-S.* (2005) Rhamnolipid production by indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa J4 originating from petrochemical wastewater. Biochemical Engineering Journal 27(2):146-154. [SCI; IF=2.368]
Yeh, M-S, Wei, Y-H, and Chang, J-S* (2005) Enhanced production of surfactin from Bacillus subtilis by addition of solid carriers. Biotechnology Progress 21:1329-1334 [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chen, B-Y and Chang, J-S (2005) Phenol degradation and toxicity assessment upon biostimulation to an indigenous rhizobium Ralstonia taiwanensis. Biotechnology Progress 21:1085-1092. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Wu, S-Y, Lin, C-N, and Chang, J-S* (2005) Biohydrogen production with anaerobic sludge immobilized by ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30:1375-1381. [SCI; IF= 2.930]
Lin, T-C, Young, C-C, Ho, M-J, Yeh, M-S, Chou, J-L, Wei, Y-H and Chang, J-S* (2005) Characterization of floating activity of indigenous diesel-assimilating bacterial isolates. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 99 (5):466-472. [SCI; IF=1.790]
Wang, M-Y and Chang, J-S* (2005) Enhanced decolorization of azo dyes with selected mutants of Escherichia coli. Journal of Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 36:235-242. [SCI; IF= 2.637]
Chen, W-M, Chang, J.-S., Chiu, C-H, Chang, S-C, Chen, W-C, Sheu, S-Y, and Jiang, C-M (2005) Caldimonas taiwanensis sp. nov., a amylase producing bacterium isolated from a hot spring. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 28:415–420. [SCI; IF=3.310]
Chen, W-M, Tseng, Z-J, Lee, K-S, and Chang, J-S* (2005) Fermentative hydrogen production with Clostridium butyricum CGS5 isolated from anaerobic sewage sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30(10):1063-1070. [SCI; IF=2.930] ISI Hi-Ci paper
Chang, J-S, Chou, J-L, Lin, G-H, Chen, W-M* (2005) Pseudoxanthomonas kaohsiungensis, sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from oil-polluted site produces extracellular surface activity Systematic and Applied Microbiology 28:137–144. [SCI; IF= 3.310]
Chen, C-Y, Wu, J-F, and Chang, J-S* (2005) Conversion of organic materials into hydrogen energy with photosynthetic bacteria — The effect of light source, carbon source, nitrogen source on photo hydrogen fermentation of nonsulfur purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Chemical Engineering Technology 13(6):1-10.
Lee, K.-S., Wu, J.-F., Lin, P.-J., and Chang, J.-S.* (2004) Anaerobic hydrogen production with an efficient carrier-induced granular sludge bed bioreactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 87(5):648-657 [SCI; IF= 4.164]
Chen, W-M, Chang, J-S, Wu, C-H, and Chang, S-C (2004) Characterization of phenol and trichloroethene degradation by rhizobia Ralstonia taiwanensis. Research in Microbiology 155:672–680 [SCI; IF= 2.826]
Lee, K-S, Lo, Y-S, Lo, Y-C, Lin, P-J and Chang, J-S* (2004) Operation strategies for biohydrogen production with a high-rate anaerobic granular sludge bed bioreactor. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 35:605–612. [SCI; IF= 2.966]
Wei, Y.-H., Wang, L.-F., and Chang, J.-S.* (2004) Optimizing iron supplement strategies for enhanced surfactin production with Bacillus subtilis. Biotechnology Progress 20:979-983. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chang, J.-S.* and Yeh, M.-S. (2004) Bacterial decolorization of an azo dye with a natural isolate of Pseudomonas luteola and genetically modified Escherichia coli. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 79:1354-1360 [SCI; IF=2.494]. (supported by NSC 91-2214-E-006-006)
Wei, Yu-Hong, Lai, Hsin-Chih, Chen, Shan-Yu, Yeh, Mao-Song, and Chang, Jo-Shu* (2004) Biosurfactant production by Serratia marcescens SS-1 and its isogenic strain SM Delta R defective in SpnR, a quorum sensing LuxR familiy protein. Biotechnology Letters 26 (10):799-802. [SCI; IF= 1.736]
Chang, J.-S.*, Chen, B.-Y., and Lin, Y.-S. (2004) Stimulation of bacterial decolorization of an azo dye by extracellular metabolites from Escherichia coli strainNO3. Bioresource Technology 91(3):243-248. [SCI; IF=5.039] (supported by NSC91-2214-E-006-006)
Chao, Y-M, Tseng, I-C, and Chang, J-S* (2004) Sludge acidification and its prevention in aerobic treatment of coking wastewater. China Steel Technical Report 18:76-81.
Wei, Y.-H., Wang, L.-F., and Chang, J.-S. (2003) Identification of induced acidification in iron-enriched cultures of Bacillus subtilis during biosurfactant fermentation. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 96 (2):174-178. [SCI; IF= 1.790]
Huang, C.-C., Su, C.-C., Hsieh, J.-L., Tseng, C.-P., Lin, P.-J. and Chang, J.-S.* (2003) Polypeptides for heavy-metal biosorption: capacity and specificity of two heterogeneous MerP proteins. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 33 (4):379-385. [SCI; IF= 2.9663]
Chen, B. Y., Chang, J.-S., and Chen, S.-Y. (2003) Bacterial species diversity and dye decolorization of a two-species mixed consortium. Environmental Engineering Science 20:(4)337-345. [SCI; IF= 0.933]
Wu, S.-Y., Lin, C.-N., and Chang, J.-S.* (2003) Hydrogen production with immobilized sewage sludge in three-phase fluidized-bed bioreactors. Biotechnology Progress 19:828-832. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Lee, K.-S., Lo, Y.-S., Lo, Y.-C., Lin, P.-J., and Chang, J.-S.* (2003) Hydrogen production with anaerobic sludge using activated-carbon supported packed-bed bioreactors. Biotechnology Letters 25:133-138. [SCI; IF= 1.736]
Chen, B. Y., Chang, J.-S., and Chen, S.-Y. (2003) Bacterial decolorization enhancement using a constructed mixed consortium. Journal of Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 34 (5):513-524. [SCI; IF= 2.637]
Chang, J.-S. (2003) Bioprocess development for mercury detoxification and azo-dye decolorization. in ACS Symposium Series 862 "Fermentation Biotechnology" B. C. Saha (Ed.) American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. 862:159-172. [SCI, EI]
Sue-Ye Wu, Chi-Neng Lin, Kuo-Shing Lee, Ping-Jei Lin, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2002) Microbial hydrogen production with immobilized sewage sludge. Biotechnology Progress 18(5):921-926. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chang, J.-S.*, Lee, K.-S. and Lin, P.-J. (2002) Biohydrogen production with fixed-bed bioreactors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 27(11-12):1167-1174. [SCI; IF= 2.930] ISI Hi-CI paper
Chen, C.-C., Lin, C.-Y., and Chang, J.-S.* (2001) Kinetics of hydrogen production with continuous anaerobic cultures utilizing sucrose as the limiting substrate. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 57(1-2):56-64. [SCI; IF=3.811]
Chang, J.-S.*, and Lin, C.-Y. (2001) Decolorization kinetics of a recombinant Escherichia coli strain harboring azo-dye-decolorizing determinants from Rhodoccocus sp. Biotechnology letters 23(8):631-636. [SCI; IF= 1.736] (supported by NSC90-2214-E-006-027)
Chang, J.-S.*, Chou, C., Lin, Y.-C., Ho, J.-Y., Lin, P.-J. and Hu, T. L. (2001) Kinetic characteristics of bacterial azo-dye decolorization by Pseudomonas luteola. Water Research 35(12):2841-2850. [SCI; IF=5.323] (supported by NSC89-2214-E-035-015)
Chang, J.-S.*, Chou, C., and Chen, S. Y. (2001) Decolorization of azo dye with immobilized Pseudomonas luteola. Process Biochemistry 36(8-9):757-763. [SCI; IF=2.524] (supported by NSC89-2214-E-035-015)
Chang, J. S.* and Lin, Y.-C. (2000) Fed-batch bioreactor strategies for microbial decolorization of azo dye using a Pseudomonas luteola strain. Biotechnology Progress 16(6) :979-985. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chen, B.Y. and Chang, J.-S., (2000) Characterization and theoretical analysis on toxicological threshold of mercuric ions to Pseudomonas aeruginosa PU21 (Rip64). Bioprocess Engineering 23(6):675-680. [SCI; IF=1.220]
Chang, J. S.*, Tai-Shin Kuo (2000) Kinetics of bacterial decolorization of azo dye with Escherichia coli NO3. Bioresource Technology 75(2):107-111. [SCI; IF=5.039]
Chang, J. S.*, Tai-Shin Kuo, Yun-Peng Chao, Jin-Yen Ho, and Ping-Jei Lin (2000) Azo dye decolorization with a mutant Escherichia coli strain. Biotechnology Letters 22(9):807-812. [SCI; IF=1.736]
Chang, J. S.*, Yuh-Ping Hwang, Yin-Ming Fong, and Ping-Jei Lin (1999) Detoxification of mercury by immobilized mercuric reductase. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 74:965-973. [SCI; IF=2.494]
Chang, J. S.* and Chen, C.-C. (1999) Biosorption of Lead, copper, and cadmium with continuous hollow-fiber microfiltration processes.Separation Science and Technology 34(8):1607-1627. [SCI; IF=1.200]
Chang, J. S.*, Chao, Y.-P., Fong, Yin-Ming, Hwang, Yuh-Ping and Lin, Pin-Jay (1998) Cloning of mercury resistance determinants in Escherichia coli and analysis of mercury reduction activity in vivo and in vitro, Journal of Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 29(4):265-274. (supported by NSC86-2214-E-035-003) [SCI; IF=2.637]
Chang, J. S.* and Huang, J.-C. (1998) Selective adsorption/recovery of Pb, Cu, and Cd with multiple fixed beds containing immobilized bacterial biomass. Biotechnology Progress 14(5):735-741. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chang, J. S.*, Chao, Y.-P., and Law, W.-S. (1998) Repeated Fed-Batch Operations for Microbial Detoxification of Mercury Using Wild-Type and Recombinant Mercury-Resistant Bacteria. Journal of Biotechnology 64:219-230. [SCI; IF=2.884]
156. Chang, J. S.*, Huang, J.-C., Chang, C.-C., and Tarn, T.-J. (1998) Removal and recovery of Lead fixed-bed biosorption with immobilized bacterial biomass. Water Science and Technology 38:171-178. [SCI; IF=1.212] (supported by NSC87-2214-E-035-010)
Chang, J. S.* and Law, W.-S. (1998) Development of microbial detoxification processes using mercury-hyperresistant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PU21, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 57(4):462-470. [SCI; IF=4.164]
Chang, J. S.* and Chen, C.-C. (1998) Quantitative Analysis and Equilibrium Models of Selective Adsorption in Multi-Metal Systems Using A Bacterial Biosorbent, Separation Science and Technology, 33(5):611-632. [SCI; IF=1.200]
Chang, J. S.*, Robin Lo, and Chung-Cheng Chang (1997) Biosorption of Lead, Copper, and Cadmium by Biomass of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PU21, Water Research 31(7):1651-1658. [SCI; IF=5.323]
Chang, J. S. and Hong, J. (1995) Estimation of Cell Growth and Mercury Detoxification Kinetics from Low-Inoculum Batch Cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PU21(Rip64). Journal of Biotechnology 42:85-90. [SCI; IF=2.884]
Chang, J. S.* and Hong, J., Ogunseitan, O. A., and Olson, B. H. (1995) Selection-Induced Mercury Hyperresistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PU21(Rip64). Journal of Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering 5:221-231.
Chang, J. S. and Hong, J. (1994) Biosorption of Mercury by the Inactivated Cells of Pseudomona aeruginosa PU21 (Rip64). Biotechnology and Bioengineering 44:999-1006. [SCI; IF=4.164]
Chang, J. S. (1994) Biological treatment technology for heavy metal pollution. Chem. Eng. 41(3):52-58. (in Chinese)
Chang, J. S., Hong, J., Ogunseitan, O.A., and Olson, B.H. (1993) The Interaction of Mercuric Ions with the Bacterial Growth Medium and Its Effects on Enzymatic Reduction of Mercury. Biotechnology Progress 9:526-532. [SCI; IF=1.883]
Chang, J.-S., Lauderback, L.L., and Falconer, J.L. (1991) AES and SIMS Analysis of Potassium/Graphite Surfaces. Carbon 29:645-652. [SCI; IF=6.160]
Chang, J.-S., Lauderback, L.L., and Falconer, J.L. (1990) A SIMS Study of Interaction of K2CO3 with Carbon Black. Journal of Catalysis 122:10-21. [SCI; IF= 6.073]
Chang, J.-S., Adcock, J.P., Lauderback, L.L., and Falconer, J.L. (1989) TPR and SIMS Studies of CaCO3 Catalyzed CO2 Gasification of Carbon. Carbon 27:593-602. [SCI; IF= 6.160]
“Biochemical Engineering” Published by Shin-Wen-Jing Publishers Co., Taipei, Taiwan, 2010. (in Chinese)
Book chapters
Hong-Wei Yen, I-Chen Hu, Chun-Yen Chen, and Jo-Shu Chang* (2014) “Design of Photobioreactors for Algal Cultivation” Chapter 2 in “Biofuels from Algae”. Ed. by A. Pandey, D-J Lee, Y. Chisti, and C. R. Soccol. p. 23-45, Published by Elsevier. (ISBN: 978-0-444-59558-4)
Ganesh D. Saratale, Rijuta G. Saratale, Jo-Shu Chang* (2013) “Biohydrogen from Renewable Resources” Chapter 9 in “Biohydrogen” Ed. by A. Pandey, J.-S. Chang, P. Hallenbeck, and C. Larroche. Published by Elsevier. (ISBN: 978-0-444-59555-3)
Lee, K-S, Whang, L-M, Saratale, GD, Chen, S-D, and Chang, J-S* (2014) "Biological Hydrogen Production via Dark Fermentation" Chapter 7 in “Hydrogen Energy Handbook”, Ed. by S. A. Sherif, D. Y. Goswami, E.K. Stefanakos, A. Steinfeld. Published by CRC Press. (ISBN978142005447)
Saratale, GD, Chien, L-J, and Chang, J-S* (2010) "Enzymatic pretreatment of cellulosic wastes for anaerobic treatment and bioenergy production." in “Environmental Anaerobic Technology: Applications and New Developments”, Ed. by Herbert H-P Fang. Published by Imperial College Press. (ISBN: 978-1-84816-543-4)
Chang, J.-S. (2003) “Bioprocess development for mercury detoxification and azo-dye decolorization”. Chapter 10 in ACS Symposium Series 862 "Fermentation Biotechnology" B. C. Saha (Ed.) American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. 862:159-172. (ISBN: 9780841238459)
Jo-Shu Chang (2000) "Application of immobilized cell and enzyme in heavy metal remediation processes" in Immobilization of Enzymes and Cells in Bioindustry, Chapter 10, pp. 313-351, Mao-Chung Publishers Co. (in Chinese)
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