應屆畢業生畢業班級:例如 四甲/四乙/四丙。
預研生畢業班級:例如 三甲/三乙/三丙。
延畢生畢業班級:修習年份+班級,例如 五甲/六乙/七丙。
碩生畢業班級:碩+年級,例如 碩二。
博班畢業班級:博+年級,例如 博三/博四/博五。
(If it is the same as E-MAIL1, you can fill in "same as above")
(If it is the same as Phone 1, you can fill in "same as above")
(If it is the same as Permanent addres, you can fill in "same as above")
1. 就業服務單位 (請填寫公司名稱+部門) Company
1. Employment (please fill in company name + department)
2. 深造就讀學校 (請填寫學校名稱+系所)
2. Further study school (please fill in school name + department)
3. 服兵役 (請填寫服兵役)
3. Military service (please fill in Military service)
4. 其他 (如尚未規劃或等待求職/考試結果中...等)
4. Others (such as not planning yet or waiting for job/examination results... etc.)